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 This approach adheres to real language
as a self-initiated activity. Hence , the
students take their responsibility for
learning to use the language effectively
in a more functional , relevant and
purposeful activity , through having
more or less , practice in reading and
writing , like in literature classes.
 1. The fundamental objective of literature
teaching is to understand , to
communicate and to appreciate what our
students read or whatever selections or
literary type. But the objective goes
beyond that , particularly in literature
classes , since the purpose of reading is
not only for developing comprehension
but also for analysis , evaluation,
 2. Remember that reading is a process or
a technique and not an end. It is the
responsibility of the teacher to help the
student develop progressively his/her
ability to read more and more fluently
and independently materials of
increasing difficulty and complexity
where he/she is ble to detect rapidly ,
meaningful group of words even then
their lexical content is not clear to
 3. Reading proficiency includes more than
literal comprehension and it will deal with the
subjective responses of the reader – his/her
intellectual , emotional and aesthetic
responses to what he / she reads. Thus , a
student who reads efficiently reflects upon
what he / she is reading and become
personally involved in it. She/he also identifies
with the characters in the stories , reading
between the lines to interpret for himself /
herself how a character feels and what his/her
motives and values are.
 4. Literature objective to undertsand will first
emphasize the importance of reading among students :
“You will read selections from English / American or
Philippine Literature that will give you time to
appreciate not only their literature but also their
particular culture ad tradition. In so doing , you reading
will help you explore you world views , perspective ,
feedback and insights in discovering important facets
of their particular history , including culture, colonial
experience , psychology , human experiences , ets. “
Reading literature as life and seeing life as literature ,
our students will not only solve their personal
problems and develop their altitudes toward life , but
also deepen their understanding of people and improve
their relations with them.
 5. The integrated approach can give access to
guidelines needed by our students for attacking
words or vocabularies. As the school year /
semester progresses , they will attack familiar
words independently . Similarly , they will be
asked to read selected literary materials . But as
they become acquainted with various models of
creative and expository writing , they will be able
select on their own increasingly good reading
materials for their leisure – time activity . Needless
to say , they will learn to recognize their purposes
and choose a method and rate for reading
appropriate to their purpose.
 6. Critical reading equates critical
thinking , speaking and writing . “
In class , you will have to listen
attentively to oral reports ,
discussions, or lectures for main
ideas and supporting details to
summarize successfully what was
read or to judge/evaluate and
analyse critically.
 7. Literature objective to communicate.
Emphasize the fact that our students will discuss
with confidence what each author says and means
in the passages that our students read; which
methods of writing development was employed by
the author ; how effectively where they used in the
story , for instance ; and why the experience the
author has communicated is significant or
worthwhile. Likewise , the students can write the
various modes of writing such as description ,
narration , illustration , etc. as well as combination
of these. They may also be asked to write a good
reaction or reflection / or journal paper , with
clarity , organization and style.
 8. Together with the literature objective to
communicate is for the students to learn to
build upon earlier techniques and patterns
as they progress they progress through the
selection (s) read. The teacher will remind
the students that they are expected to
discuss short prose pieces that will reflect
the various rhetorical strategies . They will
also have to write something about
understanding the writer’s ideas ; exploring
the writer’s ideas , and understanding the
writer’s writing technique.
 9. More ideas for writing can
follow as additional activity as
related to theme or topic of the
selection – this is in form of an
essay significant to our students
as readers , and thus , developing
their critical thinking in a new

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