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Goodbye and good luck

Naya, It has been such a pleasure to have you in our An-Nur Child Education and Care Centre.
I still remember when you first started to come to An-Nur. Although it took time for you to
settle and sometimes you were upset at drop off times, however you demonstrated wonderful
resilience as you quickly started to explore different learning experiences with your friends.
You established good and close relationship with all the children and teachers. You developed
great social and emotional skills. Your language skills developing amazingly, you learning
Arabic and English both language rapidly.
So many good memories! How we enjoyed exploring our garden together, digging potatoes,
picking strawberries, observing the life cycle of butterfly.
Masha Allah how much you have grown!
It is so hard to say goodbye to you. I will miss you Naya. Take care my dear.

Naya, you have developed so many wonderful dispositions at An-Nur that will be great
asset to you and your life long journey of learning in sha Allah.
May Allah subhanataala shower his blessings on you in all your life and guide you to a
strong believer and pious Muslimah in sha Allah.
We wish you all the best.
Love from all your teachers- Rosy, Fauzia, Nur, Shanaj and Ahlam. August, 2022

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