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Valuation and Negotiation of Technology


Unit 1, 2 y 3, Step 6
Prepare technology negotiations

Name Students:

Lenin E Romero
Código: 94398302

Zharick Reyes
Còdigo: 1019117191

Grup: 212032_114

Tutor: Jennifer Tovar

Date: 29-05/22
Definition of how to protect the intellectual property
of the software

The formal protection of software through copyright is the materialization of positive

regulations that develop and explain the procedural form in which they will be applied.
The moral rights, like the patrimonial ones, are emanated from the personality of the author
and recognized as Human Rights in article 27 of the Universal Declaration. The doctrine and
the legislation recognize the moral right of the author the attributes of being inalienable,
inalienable and imprescriptible (Decision 351, 1993, Article 11), (Law 23, 1982, Article, 30)
Decision 486 of the year 2000 (Industrial Property Regime for the Andean Community), states
in Article 15 literal "e", that "computer programs or software, like stories" are not inventions.
It was required to expressly prohibit the protection of software under the Industrial Property
regime, given the discussion regarding its patentability. "Software may eventually be
protected by patent when its nature is inseparable with another invention, but if this is not the
case, but rather separate programs or software or in themselves (" as such "), it is not
considered inventions and will not be protected by patents "
Tomado de Google
• To establish the price for your software, you must take into
account the value perceived by the client, and for your
services, you must review the cost as a reference not only
Value method the value. But the price is the positioning and the positioning
is the price
used to establish
the price and the • Depending on the target market of companies in Latin
America, the following factors that are present in most
reasons of the software development companies are taken into account:

selection • * Business strategy.

• *The technology
• * The number of customers
• * The products you export and your annual turnover

Tomado de Google
Computer contracts are part of the
General conditions of the contractual diversification that exist
today, in this sense, these contracts
licensing and the are the product of the freedom of form
established by the legislation in each
negotiation country.

Tomado de Google
In the development of this activity step 6 the
collaborative group He developed the
requirements of the activity guide where the
information obtained in the steps developed
during the course is compiled, which allows us to
assess the importance of technological
negotiation was the established development of
the necessary innovation for current globalization
and to be competitive in the face of the industry
and the changing development of technologies.
Conclusions The importance of knowing the scope of the
negotiations and their development reaches a
balance that allows the correct exploitation of the
program in economically fair conditions for both
parties. It is advisable that the contracting parties
try to be precise and complete in the preparation
and drafting of this type of contract, specifying in
a concrete and detailed way their rights and
obligations. (Lenin Romero)
Bibliographic references

González, P. G. (2011). An Approximation to a Decision Model to Valuate Intangible Assets: Case Study
Compañía De Software Colombia S.A. Revista Universo Contábil, 7(1), 106–121 .

Segovia, RAG y Mora, CAE (2013). Protección legal del software en las tecnologías de la información por
medio de la propiedad intelectual. Revista de Derecho, Comunicaciones y Nuevas Tecnologías , (9), 5.

Betancourt Ramírez, DM, & Hernández Quintero, K. (2010). Modelo financiero que permite establecer el
precio de venta del software educativo (aprendiendo y jugando con burbuja 1 y 2) para ser competitivos
en el mercado nacional.

Sánchez Moreno, SA (2017). La formación jurídica del contrato de licencias de software en la

contratación electrónica (Tesis de doctorado, Universidad Centroamericana).

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