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Introduction of smart cane

 The smart cane system is the system that help the blind people to

navigate around places through detecting ahead obstacles, also help the
blind person to ask help from relatives when he or she is lost.
Problem statement.
“ In Tanzania, an estimated 1.1 million people are visually impaired
and 33,000 are blind, with average household size of five, at least 4.7
million people are directly affected by blindness and visual
impairment. And Approximately 60.5% of blind people in Tanzania
does not have freedom to navigate around places due to the lack of
assistants , and those who try to walk themselves end up by getting
lost. ”
Existing solution.
 The conventional walking stick employed by blind person which is used, but not
efficient to detect the object in front of the blind person. its only detect object that is
being hit by the stick.

Automated walking stick which help visual impaired person to detect ahead obstacle(e.g
we walk). This Automated stick has highly price of $749, which can be ahead by
Tanzania blind person
Proposal Solution..
The solution of the problem is coming with smart cane system that is
integrated between smart blind stick and mobile application that help the blind
person to navigate in difference place by detection of obstacle that occur on
ahead and able to track the location if is lost through the use of GPS.

Also the Smart cane system is very cheap in term of devices that is used to
create the system of blind person. The affordable price to create smart cane
system is $60, compared to some of existing system that is high price.
•Dart programming language with flutter framework for mobile application.

•Firebase Real-time database.

•PHP scripting language.

•MySQL Relational Database Management.

•Arduino language .

•IoT Devices (Microcontroller development board i.e. NodeMCU, Ultrasonic sensor, GPS, Pin
Button, Buzzer, Switch, Battery and Jump Wires.
How it works…
Primary functionality is the use of smart cane to detect obstacles.

Then the use of GPS to collect satellite coordinates (latitude and longitude) and sending
them to the Firebase real-time database for storage.

Secondary functionality is the integration of mobile application with the microcontroller

board with the help of firebase, PHP server and MySQL.
How it works…
Initialized by guardian registration as the super admin

Register blind man with the respective unique Id of the smart cane.

As the pin button is pressed notification is sent to the guardians and all registered

Relatives are able to reply to other relatives to notify them if they are able to conduct
pick up or not.

Firebase Mobile Application

Node MCU

PHP server MySQL

New at electronics connection and implementation.

Costs in buying devices.

Cost in learning new things along the way.

GPS sometimes delays to pick up signals.

Prototype required high voltage due to GPS.

Dependencies since we don’t own some of technologies hence updating of features affected
our project.

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