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Meleah Crizzelle P.

Angeles April, 27 ,2022

In 2019 February Before the pandemic and lock downs started there was
an event in school called campette night where the entire school can
sleep overnight in school or the place where the event is held, in the
morning you must be there at 12am or 1pm, there was also 3 three
groups X,Y and Z l was Y, each grade has a room and some sections has to Campette Night
share and we have to leave our things in there ,In the afternoon maybe 4
or 5pm we listen to a speech about the things we are doing to do, First we
had to eat our lunch before the event started so we get enough energy,
After that we had like an dance for each group

Then each group has to play a game for points to win, the group who won
will get to swim in the pools, next some went to sit on the side to and
watched the others who were still participating the game and some went
to their rooms to get water, eventually the games ended and were
announcing the winner, Later it was 8 or 9pm some were getting tired so
we went to our room to rest and we had to prepare the mattress

we had alot of fun some were having pillow fights in the room and the
advisors were outside or either inside in the room monitoring the
students, Finally we went to sleep but some went home because their
parents didn’t allow them

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