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All Organic

Group Leader : Dela Cruz Von Charles

Blanco Enrique
Dela Victoria Jairus
Erece Edrian
Guerrero Jason Lance
Article A
1. Identify
the Problem
Article A problems

Problem 1 : Can community

foresters restore the destroyed

Problem 2 : A bacterial species

closely related to deadly citrus
greening disease is rapidly
evolving its ability to infect insect
hosts, and possibly plants as well.
2. How did they research for the problem?
What methods were used?

A. The researchers determine the

problem through the process of
how the authority helps the
community on rehabilitating their

B. The researchers determine the

problem through a wide
variety of human activities, on
both land and ocean. The
methods used by the
researchers are
Mesoamerican Reef case
study, Quantifying N Pollution
from multiple sources,
Estimating N discharge, and
Assessing habit overlap.
3. What Are the hypotheses?

a. let the b. Stop cutting trees c. Rehabilitate the

communities and start planting destroyed forest
strengthen and new ones
fortify their
There is no quantify relative
contribution between;

A.leaching crop production,

B. runoff from livestock


C.sewage wastewater
generated by permanent
residents and tourists to N
loading in each
watershed basin of the MAR

D. the extent to which these

excess nutrients overlap with
coastal ecosystems.
4. What are the experiments made?

What Are the

A. The researchers started an
experiment that allows the
people in that community to
rehabilitate a lot faster than
usual and also with the help of
the authorities and other
natural personnel.
B. The Research was
implemented to track the
source of nitrogen pollution
that are affecting the barrier
reef. When the research was
first conducted, in tropical
system such as coral reefs in
which it has much poor
nutrient waters and therefore
they adapted to their
5. Did the experiment prove or disprove the
A. The experiment was approve for it is
supported by the hypothesis because
the rehabilitation of their community
was a lot easier if there are the only
the one doing it so by allowing more
authorities and personnel to help the
is much efficient.
B. As they are continuing their research,
they rejected their hypothesis in
which case that leaching crop
production, leaching crop
production, runoff from livestock
production,sewage wastewater
generated by permanent residents
and tourists to N loading in each
watershed basin of the MAR
region, the extent to which these
excess nutrients overlap with
coastal ecosystems. Truly affects
the barrier reefs.
What is/are the
B. The results are indicative of the

A. After the researchers complexity of the pollution issue -

observed and finished their even land use changes and

agricultural expansion very far
experiment, they can conclude
inland can have impacts to
that the experiment about
marine ecosystems Additionally,
rehabilitation as their priority
the researchers found that high
solution to fix their destroyed
biodiversity habitats were more
community was a great
exposed to plumes originating
response to the calamity. In
from smaller, coastal watersheds.
addition, they also said that if
And while tourism represented a
another big one hit them and
very small proportion of the
60% of their area is still
overall pollution, the watersheds
destroyed then no further that contributed the most
improvement happened to pollution tended to also have high
their community. number of tourists or be near
those that did.

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