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Patient 40 y.o male, comes to hospital for MCU. Nothing any complains. BP 130/70 mmHg.
Male 70 y.o was brought by his family with complain weakness. BP 120/70 mmHg
Female 60 y.o was brought to ED with complains syncope 10 minutes in her home. BP 130/80 mmHg. Doctor
makes ECG examination. And the result as under the case. What will you do to this patient ?
Patient 50 yo comes to ED, causes syncope, weakness. BP 80/60 mmHg. ECG show this.
40 y.o male complains heart burn, vomit. BP 120/70 mmHg. ECG Show this.
Male 50 yo no complains, comes to hospital for MCU. BP 120/70 mmHg
Male 65 yo comes to cardiologist clinic for routine control. 3 months ago, he had ACS. Routine
medication, asetil salicylate, nitrate, clopidogrel, statin
Female 20 y.o comes to ED with chest discomfort. She has hyperthyroidism with PTU and
propranolol routine . BP 80/70 mmHg HR 180x/i
Male 40 y.o with chest pain, syncope. BP 70/50 mmHg.
Male 60 yo headache. BP 200/100 mmHg. Chest X-ray : CTR 65%
A 45 y.o male with dyspnoea, history: Syndrome obstructive Post TB
Patient 70 y.o unconscious. Patient had seizure before. BP(-)
Wanita 50 th pingsan, lemas. TD 120/70 mmHg
Pasien wanita 24 th datang ke UGD dengan keluhan mual muntah. Tidak ada riwayat penyakit
jantung sebelumnya.
Male 40 y.o complains chest pain since 2 hours before comes to ED. BP 160/70 mmHg
Pria 50 th nyeri dada kiri 30 menit SMRS.
Pria 40 th nyeri dada kiri sejak 1 jam SMRS.
Wanita 28 th jantung berdebar debar
A. Amiodaron c. Tidak diberikan apa apa
Helem Foi….!

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