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• Name : Donald Ancajas Lapez

• Position: AB. Seaman (Maunlad Trans Inc.)
• Gender: Male
• Birth date : JANUARY 3, 1994
• Age : 27
The following are some of the reasons why I admire this person:
• He is an excellent role model for young people, including myself.
• He is a man with a strong will and a high level of motivation.
• He has a pleasant demeanor toward people.
• He always gave priority to those who were in desperate need of assistance.
• A wonderful person. 
• A person who has set a goal for herself.
• And someone who never give up.

He saved a 500 sqm land forest to protect the wild life in our community .
And to fight deforestation , he planted tress to an abandoned land.
• Bad weather - The main types of weather that can cause maritime
accidents are high winds, storms, and waves or swells. Any of these can
cause ships to list heavily, which in turn can cause on-board accidents.
Shifting cargo and equipment, falls, and overboard accidents can all result
from rough weather and listing ships.
• Discrimination – some of foreign people are discriminating Pilipino
because they are Asians.
• bad communication on-board – no internet on board is a very
complicated situations. They cant communicate there family’s and loved
ones for a very long time and sometimes it can take a year with no
• Fatigue – The most common causes of fatigue known to seafarers are lack
of sleep, poor quality of rest, stress and excessive workload.
Means of Overcoming Challenges
• Spend time with folks that are tough -It's nice to get to know your co-seafarer better. It
has also been shown that having a good time at get-togethers or being socially present
on board makes a significant impact in developing interpersonal relationships.
• Set your boundaries and face your fears - If you see that a rudely acting seafarer has
said or done something wrong, you must set limits with them. Confrontation is not the
way out, especially at sea, where it will only exacerbate the situation. Another
occupational jolt is dealing with the same problematic people on a regular basis. So, if
the situation persists and you've attempted unsuccessfully to communicate, it's always
best to approach the department heads and have a clear discussion with them.
• Make an effort to assist - Seafarers do not have a psychological advantage over many
personal concerns because they are away from their family and friends over such a
long period of time. Offering assistance to such a difficult person while exhibiting an
eagerness to understand the other's frustration is the best course of action. Because
time is of the essence at sea, keep in mind that you must maintain this relationship
strictly for professional reasons.
I admire this person because of these following:
• He is able to alleviate feelings of loneliness and
• Possess the ability to respond positively to
• He can stimulates positive thoughts and feeling.
• He can control fears and inferiority complex.
• He can have a good relationship with people.
• He can build up good communication skills.

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