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My Family and Friends

Інструктивна картка

Підручник “English”,
5-й рік навчання
Алла Несвіт

Unit 1. My Family and Friends.

Lesson 2. My Family. Family Tree
Lesson Outcomes:
• to learn the names of family members;
• to read the texts and to know more about a typical
family in Ukraine and in Britain;
• to tell about your family;
• to draw your family tree;
• to write about your family.
Warming up!
Write the missing letters.


mother grandpa
father grandma
sister brother
Task 1.
Write the words into your vocabulary and learn

Task 2.
Match the pictures with the numbers.
Task 3.
Complete the sentences using the picture
from act.1
Let’s take a break!
Task 4.
Reading activities. Do act.4 and 5, p.5.
Let’s take a break and dance!
Task 5.
Tell about your family using these
questions and answers.
Task 6. Draw your family tree.

Task 7. Write about your family.

Send your picture and your story to

the teacher.

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