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Easter holidays in Moldova vs America!

A elaborate:Guzun Magdalena
A verificat:Verejan Larisa
Easter holidays in Moldova
The Easter holiday begins with a religious Easter service. In the Orthodox altars of Moldova, the divine
service begins at midnight. It is best to get there early, as places are usually crowded tonight. Every year on
the night of Easter, the Haric Fire is brought from Jerusalem. At the Metropolitan Cathedral "The Nativity" in
Chisinau, the fire is expected by the country's leadership, representatives of the clergy, ordinary citizens.
Candles are then lit from the holy fire, after which this symbol of faith and blessing is carried throughout the
country - in churches, monasteries, houses.
After the service, the priest consecrates the vessels brought by the parishioners. According to
tradition, the Easter basket will include Easter, cake, mixed eggs, "babele" (baked sweet
noodles), salt, sugar.

Upon leaving the church, the faithful follow a special ritual - they kiss and greet each other with
the words "Christ is risen" - "He has truly risen!". Also, during a week, in all churches, anyone
who wants will be allowed to ring the bells.
On Easter morning, return home from church, Christians organize a hearty meal. It should be
mentioned that the dishes for sanctification - Easter and cakes - are baked in time, starting with
Maundy Thursday. At the same time, the eggs are decorated. As a rule, housewives cook food in large
quantities, or, the tradition provides for the distribution of Easter dishes these days.
Easter holidays in America
Each people has its own way of celebrating a certain festivity, through its own traditions and
customs. Easter, like many other holidays in the United States, is a religious and cultural
holiday. Here, it is a tradition to organize parades and Easter parades, where men and women
display their special costumes. The person leading a parade holds a candle or a cross in his
The legend of the Easter Bunny From time immemorial, rabbits have been associated with spring.
It was believed that the Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring - Eostre - had a rabbit as a companion. The rabbit
symbolizes fertility and rebirth. Later, Christians changed the symbol of the rabbit to the Easter bunny. Other
sources say that the Easter Bunny arrived in America in the 1700s with German immigrants who settled in
Pennsylvania and brought their own traditions about "Osterhase" - a hare that laid colored eggs. The children
had to arrange nests in which this rabbit laid its eggs.

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