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Under the Guidance of:

Tejashwini N(196MSB7123) Assistant Professor
Ashwini M(196MSB7017) Ms. Manjushree .B .G

Fire detection systems are the most critical element of any building design these
days. In recent days , fire incidents are commonly reported. This might be due to the
negligence of people in many cases. Consider a few examples, in places like fuel filling
stations, crackers shops, houses, and mainly in workplaces, etc. There are nearly
thousands of fire accidents reported in a year. By taking all these into consideration,
in this paper, an automatic fire detection using a fire sensor is introduced. The
existing fire detection system detects the fire by using a fire sensor, but our proposed
system is different from that. The existing systems are with fire alarms and alerts by
raising alarm when the fire is detected within a limited space. The proposed system
contains the fire alarm, in addition to that it sends a notification to our mobile and
mail can be sent to the attached mail id which will be having the information of the
accident-prone area, and also the information needed to alert the fire station about
the incident. This implemented fire detection system will be more efficient and
provide more safety when compared to the conventional fire alarm systems available.

The fire prevention technologies are constantly innovating along with the growing
science and technology, because fire is a serious threat to human life and
properties. The appearance of the fire is often accompanied by the generation of
smoke. Actually, in the early stages of the fire, a lot of smoke is produced due to the
fuel temperature and combustion is not high enough. Smoke cannot be covered by
a large area, and the mobility is relatively high. If the fire can be detected before the
occurrence of fire and sent an early warning to the nearest fire station, the
occurrence of fire and a large area spreading of fire can be avoided so as to reduce
people’s material and financial damage. There are a number of fire detection
systems are available nowadays. But all these systems provide a warning signal on
the building premises only. Then the fire detection was done mainly by visual
inspection and confirmation by a human being and the fire station only informed
when someone make a call to the fire station. A real time fire detection system can
solve this issue and inform nearest fire station. This system is cheaper compared to
all currently available systems in market. This real time fire detection system is
designed to detect the fire at the early stage and notify the nearest fire station
through a push notification. The notification contains the fire warning and the
location information’s.
Existing system

After doing the literature survey we have listed some of the features that are
existing in the now used fire alarm system. In the next section of the paper, we will
propose a new model taking into the account what features are being presently
used and how they need to improve. The features of the existing system are as

• Identify status periodically: The system checks for a fire at particular interval and
not continuously or not in real time. This is a drawback as there will possibly be a
time lag between the actual fire incident and when the fire will be reported due to
periodic identification.
• Manual operation for transferring information: Automatic operation is not
facilitated in the present system.
• Not able to find the pressure point of the building which are likely to catch fire
• Difficult to sense structural damage.
• MEMS are used to get axis of the building blocks.
Proposed system

This proposed system is an automated fire detection system, which on detecting fire,
will take proactive measures of alerting the respective personnel, in addition to
raising the alarm like a conventional fire detection system. It is implemented using
the components like Node MCU, fire sensor, Buzzer. All components are interfaced
with the Node MCU and works by automation as per uploaded code. When fire is
detected within the deployed area, the notification regarding the fire accident will be
send to our mobile and an alert mail along with the alarm buzzing, alerting the
people around. With this system, we can overcome the problem which is in the
existing system. The fire sensors are deployed in small black box around the space to
be monitored. If any fire is detected by the sensor, it sends the information to the
Node MCU. We have designed the code in such a way that whenever the fire is
detected by the sensor the alarm rings, a notification will be sent to mobile and mail
will be sent to the fire station.
Need For Proposed System

• Effective safety system.

• Systematic approach for monitoring and control.
• Transferring message through wireless technologies.
• Easy way of sensing structural damage and health monitoring of the buildings.
System Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

• Node MCU
• Flame Sensor
• Connecting wires
• Red LED
• Buzzer
• Breadboard

Software Requirements:

• Arduino
System Architecture
Conclusion and Future Enhancement
Thank you

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