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JUNE 18, 2021

Music as an art form is classified as auditory art.
Music is one of the most widespread forms of art
which became part of our daily lives. In earliest time,
music was used in hunting food as a corral to heard
animals. It also used as an element of specific
rituals or rites. Singing or dancing to music was also
used by members of society to gather and interact.
During our discussion we have learned that
music is not only a form of entertainment but it has a
serious role in the life of people. We have also
learned that people has its specific preferences as
to genre of music. In order to establish preference,
listeners take to its elements for its evaluation.
Some of the common elements of music are the
following rhythm, dynamics, melody, harmony, timbre and
texture. These elements are important to create a music
that is pleasant in ears. As a music lover it is important for
a music to have a perfect rhythm as it could attracted
more listeners due to its unique beat and tempo. The
lyrics of the song are also essential in music as it could
inspire the listener about the message it contain.
Music is very important as it gives light in our darkness
times, hope when we failed and strength when we feel
weak. Without music our life will be dull and meaningless.
Music is considered as our friend when we feel alone and
no one believe in us. Through the songs we heard, lyrics
we read and beats we enjoy our sorrow gone and
happiness arose.

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