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Lord God, I am here today not only ready to learn new

lesson from our subject, but also to grow in my love for you.
Open my eyes, my ears, and my heart to absorb each lesson
our teacher teaches us.
Help me to be the best student and person I can be,
reaching out to others as You did, and being a good example
to all I meet.
Let me receive your blessing now and throughout the
school year. Amen.
Quarter 2 Module7
Maximizing My Capabilities in A VUCA

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Analyze literature as a means of understanding
unchanging values in a VUCA world.
My Own Acronym: Look at the picture. Using the acronym
“PERIODICALS” write words or phrase that you can think of that
relates to the picture.
The phrase or words are important
Periodicals: are publications which
are issued at a regular intervals such as
magazines, newspapers , and journals.
They are often referred to as serials. It
is usually consist of a collection of
Periodicals are the important
element of library collection,
especially in academic, commercial,
industrial and research libraries. It is
a highly primary media for
recording, communicating
Definition Of Periodicals:
● A periodical publication
containing articles by the
various writers.
● A periodical publication
intended for learned or
professional readers whose
issues appear at fixed or
regular intervals.
● Periodicals are considered
to include Newspaper,
Magazines or Journals.
Features of Periodicals:

Report original research or experimentation,

often in specific academic disciplines.

The targeted audience is the scholarly

researcher, faculty, and students.
Features of Periodicals:
Articles are written by experts in the field, and
are signed. Articles often use specialized jargon
of the discipline, and assume a familiarity with
the subject.

Illustrations are few, and support the text,

typically in the form of charts, graphs, and
The Advantages of Using Periodicals
● Because they are published frequently, periodicals are the best sources
for current information.

● Current events are usually discussed in periodicals long before they

become the subject of a book.

● Periodicals often contain information

on the latest trends, products, research
and theories.
The Advantages of Using Periodicals
● Periodicals are the best source for ephemeral or very specialized

● Periodicals exist for every field and every interest, providing access
to a variety of hard-to find information.

● Due to shorter length of

periodical articles, more topics
may be covered within one
volume of a periodical than in
one book.
Activity 1: Read Me!
A vast amount of information can be gleaned from
online periodicals. Read the news story talking
about Hope and Resilience. Then accomplish the
activity that follows.
Life After Covid-Hope on the Horizon
by Edward Grinnan Posted in Pets,
Dec. 2,2020

Isolation has been tough. God made us

social creatures, dogs and people alike.I miss hanging
out with other humans, apart from my wife Julee and
Jaseem, the cashier at the Quickmart down the road
(sometimes his sister takes the register). Other than
that, my contact with humanity has been woefully lean
these past nine pandemic months sheltering here in
western Massachusetts. It’s been doubly hard on
Gracie, who loves people almost as much as she loves
other dogs.
Yesterday I took her into town so she could get in some socializing, and she ended
up dragging me into one of those little specialty craft shops the Berkshires are known
for. The reason was apparent. There was another dog shopping, and Gracie wanted to
say hello. Badly.

In a store full of pricey knickknacks, a golden retriever’s tail is a lethal weapon. I

stifled it and pulled hard on her leash to slow her down. She extended her quivering
nose, and gradually I let her greet her fellow canine. I felt for her. She was used to
having an active social life at the dog run and around our Manhattan neighborhood,
the way I was used to and probably took for granted all the people I interacted with
every day at work, at the gym, in our building or simply navigating the narrow,
downtown sidewalks near the Guideposts office. I even miss the people who would
aggravate me by walking too slow.
Afterwards we went for a hike.
Down the trail came a couple of
medium-sized mixed breeds triggering a
zoomie frenzy on Gracie’s part. Soon
leashes were entangled, and I went
flying. “They miss other dogs,” the
owner said, unsnarling the leashes while
I dusted off my dignity. No kidding.
God made us social creatures, dogs and
people alike, and these months of isolation have
been hard and lonely and unnatural. I even miss
strangers, as strange as that sounds. I miss people I
might have met. Or just plain people watching.
Yet there is hope on the horizon with news
of vaccines that can protect us against the virus. It
fills my head with visions of sunny, maskless strolls
in the park with Gracie and me greeting all comers
without fear. That might be the worst part of all
this, that we have come to fear our fellow humans.
Yet God did create us to seek out
community, and He will bring us
together again. Soon, I pray. Between
now and then I will stay safe and
deepen my appreciation for the society
of other people, people I never realized
it was so hard to live without. Then my
own metaphorical tail will be wagging.
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