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What’s in for EHS
Enablon is Enterprise Risk Management software focused on finding integrated solutions for risk identification, assessment,
and reduction. The solution enables companies to implement “top-down” and “bottom-up” risk management processes
according to particular organizations, practices, and methodologies. 
Users can manage life cycle risks through the Enablon platform, which is designed to ensure a global, company-wide
approach to risk management, from risk identification to reporting.

Users can work beyond risk treatment to focus on key processes, including mitigation needs, in order to reduce potential
impacts while maintaining optimal ROI. The ERM platforms enables users to perform through Operational Risk Control
workflows. Team members can monitor risks at all management levels, and automatically generate reports and use off-the-
shelf reporting templates to achieve a company-wide overview of key risks.

Mangers can monitor risk through project life cycles using an platform integrated with the ISO 31000 standard, which
identifies all risks across the company. Features include risk identification, reporting, application integration, evaluation
methodologies, over-time assessment, real-time feedback, breakdown of risks by stakeholders, bow-tie analysis, KRI
monitoring, fully configurable risk matrices, inherent risk, residual risk, targeted risk and control effectiveness ratings,
qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, and more.
Team members can monitor risk management actions at any management level, aggregate risk information from different
entities, use off the shelf reporting templates, and gain instant visibility on high-level risks through matrix and bubble
chart reports. Enablon allows its users to leverage multiple risk treatment and performance management possibilities,
regarding events, audits, insurance, EHS, supply chain, corporate governance, sustainability projects, etc. Users identify
and capture risk information through the Enablon interview process. 

Enablon Go Safety is a native mobile app that allows workers to report events, and sends safety alerts and notifications in
real-time. This mobile platform empowers workers to complete inspections from anywhere and at anytime. The Internal
Audit is a solution which allows companies to computerize and automate all auditing activities and make them more
reliable. The Insurance and Claims solution helps companies manage and monitor insurance policies, control costs and
reduce risk impacts. 

The Enablon Incident/Event Management solution is designed to meet all incident and event reporting, management and
monitoring needs. Continuous Assessment is a control management and monitoring solution designed to fulfill the
specific needs of internal control in financial institutions.
How Enablon suits your companies

Note: Double Click on the video in the

Features of Enablon
• Streamline Incident Data Capture and Analysis
• Ensure data consistency by using standard data entry forms
• Capture incidents and events through mobile devices for greater flexibility
• Create a series of standard parameter-based reports for common KPIs and
• Identify the underlying root causes of incidents
• Improve data traceability and auditability
Enablon’s Incident Management software is designed to meet all event (incidents, accidents,
near-misses, etc.) reporting, management and monitoring needs.
Streamline Incident Data Capture and Analysis
Ensure data consistency by using standard data entry forms
Capture incidents and events through mobile devices for greater flexibility
Create a series of standard parameter-based reports for common KPIs and objectives
Identify the underlying root causes of incidents
Improve data traceability and auditability
Improve EHS Performance
Enhance workplace safety
Build intelligent dashboards to help sites and staff focus on key objectives
Improve coordination for follow-ups on incidents
Assess the environmental, economic and social impacts of incidents
Conform to OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health standards
 Ensure Regulatory Compliance
• Comply with regulatory requirements from OSHA, EPA, RIDDOR, WCB and others
• Perform the right compliance checks on data
• Report the right information to regulatory authorities at the right timeMitigate Risks
• Analyze incident types, severity and likelihood through a single enterprise-wide system
• Centralize risk definition and risk mapping
• Identify trends and prevent incidents from recurring through advanced analytics
• Define and implement risk mitigation plans
• Foster a Safety Culture
• Promote a positive safety culture by encouraging employees to report incidents and near-misses
• Ensure quick notification of incidents to the appropriate people
• Follow up effectively on preventive actions to avoid future incidents
• Complete investigations on time with automated prompts
• Perform consistent investigations on incidents to build knowledge on prevention
Mobile applications
Custom application
Thick client applications
Citrix applications
Context based help/annotations
Text to speech conversion
Enablon Incident Management allows companies to cover the entire incident management lifecycle.

The solution offers the following functionalities:

• Incident Tracking and Reporting
o Capture of incidents, accidents, injuries and near-misses
o Centralized event database
o Real-time view of safety and incident data
o Incident and event reporting through mobile devices
o Offline reporting with dedicated native apps
• Incident Investigation and Analysis
o Complete incident investigations based on industry-standard methodologies
o Centralized management of incident investigations
o Root cause investigation and analysis
o Assessment and monitoring of impacts
• Regulatory Compliance and Standards Compliance
o Incident reporting forms to meet multiple obligations in different countries, and improve quality of reporting, data
consistency and accuracy
o Automatic generation of official regulatory documents (OSHA 301, 300, 300A, etc.)
o Compliance with regulations and standards (OSHA, OHSAS 18001, RIDDOR, ISO 14001, WCB, EPA, etc.)
o Data traceability and auditability to achieve or maintain OHSAS 18001 certification
• Operational Risk Management
o Risk mapping and definition of risks in a centralized database
o Identification and assessment of main hazards and risks per activity, job task, etc.
o Definition and implementation of risk mitigation plans
o Automatic warnings in the event of significant differences with targets or regulations
• Collaboration
o Corrective and preventive action plans
o Tailored notifications and customized workflows on incidents, near-misses and anomalies
o Automated reminder workflow
o Full audit trails on incidents, investigations and associated action plans and tasks
• Creation of multiple claims associated to each individual event for integration with the Enablon Insurance & Claims
• Reports for common safety and incident management KPIs and objectives.

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