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LESSON 3: The Human Person as Embodied spirit _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

MAN refer to the entire human race.
- Human refers to man as species –”Homo Sapiens” or modern
human being.
PERSON refers to a human being granted recognition of certain
rights,protection, responsibilities and dignity.
Human Person as totality of an individual, possessing awareness, self

determination, and the capacity to interact with others.

HUMAN NATURE refers to the characteristics that distinguish hu-
mans from all other creatures. Examples of these characteristics in-
clude thinking, feeling, and acting. Without these traits, an individual
may not considered as human.
1. SELF-AWARENESS refers to a person having a clear perception of
oneself, including his/her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions.
“rationality” means human thought.
“interiority” is the quality of being focused on one’s inner life and
identity. It enables a person to exercise creativity.

2. SELF-DETERMINATION refers to the capability of persons to make choice

and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and regulate
their actions and be goal-oriented.
“free will” enables us to do actions whenever we want to and make
various alternatives
“consequences” are the result or effect of an action or condition.

3. MORALITY is the goodness or badness of an act.

4. EXTERNALITY is the capability to reach out and interact with others
and the world.
5. DIGNITY is the innate right to be valued and respected.
What is our human nature that enables
us become persons?

Our body is not only thing that defines us. Philosophers point
to another unseen aspect of the human person which, along
with the body defines us.

Spirit is the intangible element which enables to exercise

thought, possess awareness, interiority, and the capacity to
reach out the outside world and other person.
How are the body and the spirit related?

Human person is defined as the union of the body

and the spirit. The human person is an embodied
spirit. Not only are the body and spirit united, but
they are also integrated with each other. This means
that we cannot separate the two and they go
hand-in-hand in making us who we are.
Embodiment means…
1. One thing that enables us to feel love and love others.
2. Its product is our experience
3. The person is able to encounter the world of objects in a
manner that transcends the physical. It allows a person to
form an intimate relationship with those outside him/her.
It also allows a person to attach certain feelings or ideas
not only to people but also to objects.
4. Physical acts are no longer physical acts, because the
body conveys something from inner’s world.
How does human nature enable one to
explore one’s limit?
Though the nature of the person as an embodied spirit provides
numerous opportunities to explore everything around us and
even within us, our human nature still imposed limitations.
It can be said that the person is a very biologically deficient
being. This means that we are not equipped with the best physi-
cal attributes among all beings in the world.
For instance,
We do not have the natural ability to fly
We also cannot breathe underwater without the aid of breathing
• The ability to surpass limits.
Example: Human cannot fly
Human cannot breathe underwater
Transcendence: We use intellect to devise:
airplane to fly
scuba gear to swim for extended periods
• Overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us
of natural tendencies such as hunger and fatigue

• Overcoming weakness, challenges and obstacle

Example of personal limits
Joey: I keep getting a bad score in our math test!
Alan: Hey, 30 out of 40 isn’t that bad! It’s a higher result than what
got last week, right?
Joey: I know! But I really want to score higher next time.

David: I’m really interested in taking this job. But this means that I’ll be
moving to Manila!
Mario: Didn’t you tell me that it has been your ambition prestigious.

Architectural firm in the country? Of course, you have to go for

David: I know, but I can’t imagine leaving my family and friends behind!

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