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Task 4 - Time

to talk
• Cordial greetings, my name is David Carrillo, I live in Tenjo,
Cundinamarca, I work with the Municipal Mayor's Office of
Tenjo and I am studying systems engineering.

• The problem that I chose is illegal mining and overexploitation of

natural resources.

Illegal minery and
overexploitation of
natural resources.

Illegal minery and overexploitation of
natural resources.

Illegal mining in Colombia has its origins in colonial

times, in the old New Granada, when the first settlers
observed how the indigenous tribes worked different
minerals such as gold, emeralds, quartz, among others.
Starting in the year one thousand five hundred, the
conquerors began a process of extermination and
decolonization of the indigenous population. The reduction
of the aboriginal population originated the importation of
slaves from Africa as new labor for mining.

Illegal minery and overexploitation of
natural resources.

1 is done on an occasional and transitory basis,

2 it is only industrial minerals (clays and construction
3 is done in small quantities at shallow depths and by
manual means
4 the extracted material is used for works and repairs to
their homes.

Illegal minery and overexploitation of
natural resources.

That is why this concept of the struggle to "formalize

small-scale mining" or "legalize artisanal mining" within
the scope of illegal mining must be abandoned, because, as
has just been analyzed, mining in small quantities, on a
certain type of of minerals and by manual means is
authorized by our current legal regulation. Clearly
distinguishing this concept helps us to identify how those
who are within that eighty percent that have not yet been
legalized operate.

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