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Name:Suhani patel

Course: Ba english honours

Ge: Psychology
Roll no. :21/0450
Topic: Eating Disorders
Student : Suhani patel Teacher : Aashima mam

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

#"Eating disorders" is when a person eats or
refuses to eat, in order to satisfy a psychic
need and not a physical need. The person
does not listen to bodily signals or perhaps is
not even #Eating
aware ofdisorders
them. affect several
million people at any given time,
most often women between the ages

Eating Disorders of 12 and 35. There are three main

types of eating disorders: anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge
#Eating disorders often co-occur with other psychiatric disorder
eating disorder.
most commonly mood and anxiety disorders, obsessive
compulsive disorder and alcohol and drug abuse problems.With
proper medical care however, those with eating disorders can
resume healthy eating habits, and recover their emotional and
#The term anorexia nervosa literally means “lack of
appetite induced by nervousnes.
Anorexia can be identified by unusually low weight
and an intense desire not to gain weight or eat much,
if at all.Anorexia is characterized by behavior meant
to avoid gaining any weight at all, often to the point
of malnourishment.With anorexia, a person may also
see themselves as overweight, even if their body
weight is far below normal.

Anorexia nervosa symptoms:-

#severe loss of muscle mass
#low blood pressure
#increased facial hairs
#Strange eating habits or routines,
Anorexia nervosa such as eating in secret
#Feeling fat, even if underweight
#talking about being “fat” or
Anorexia nervosa causes
having overweight Concerns about body weight and shape are often
#denying feeling hungry or features of anorexia nervosa, but they may not be
avoiding mealtimes the main cause. Experts do not know exactly why
#limiting their overall food the condition occurs, but genetic, environmental,
intake or the range of foods biological, and other factors may play a role.
they consume For some people, anorexia nervosa also develops
#showing excessive concern as a way of gaining control over an aspect of their
with weight, body size, life. As the person exerts control over their food
dieting, calories,
#withdrawing andfriends
from food intake, this feels like success, and so, the behavior
and social interaction continues.
Anorexia nervosa Treatment
#showing signs of depression Psychotherapy.
Nutrition counseling.
Group and/or family therapy.
#Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by
episodes of binge eating—consuming a large amount of
food very quickly—followed by compensatory behavior,
most commonly vomiting or "purging" or the abuse of
diuretics or laxatives.
#Bulimia nervosa can affect individuals of
any race, age, or gender; however, it is
significantly more common in women and Bulimia nervosa
girls than it is in men and boys. #Weakness, exhaustion, bloodshot
Approximately 3 percent of females have eyes
bulimia nervosa during their lifetime, #Calluses on your knuckles or backs of
compared to an estimated 1 percent of your hands from making yourself vomi
males. It is more common in adolescents #Gaining and losing weight often.,your
and young adults than in other age groups. weight is usually in the normal range,
but you may be overweight.
Bulimia nervosa causes:-
#Hoarding or stealing food
The exact cause of bulimia is unknown. Many factors
#Feeling out of control
could play a role in the development of eating disorders,
#Vomiting or abusing laxatives,
including genetics, biology, emotional health, societal
diuretics, enemas, or other
expectations and other issues
medications to try to lose weight These are some of the factors that can increase someone's risk of
#Using the bathroom frequently developing bulimia nervosa:
genetic factors: having a parent or sibling with an eating disorder
after meals childhood trauma: such as physical or sexual abuse
#Excessive exercising personality: low self-esteem, perfectionism or impulsiveness
stress: life events or chronic stress can trigger the onset of bulimia
mental disorders: such as depression, personality disorder or addictions
Bulimia nervosa treatment:-
#psychologist, psychiatrist or dietitian as needed another is #
psychotherapy, such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), family-based
treatment (for children and adolescents) and other kinds of therapy
Some people with bulimia nervosa may be treated with an antidepressan
to reduce their anxiety and improve their mood and self-control.
Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa
# Restrictions of food. # Overeating/recurrent episodes of binge
#To prevent weight gain engage in eating.
compensatory behavior. #To prevent weight gain engage in
#They have significant low body compensatory behavior.
weight. According to WHO, a BMI of #They are within the normal weight or
17.0 kg/m2 consider lower body overweight range (BMI > 18.5 and <30 in
weight. Conclusion
In conclusion, it is evident that eating disorders are exceedingly common among young people
and adolescents especially the females. There are several signs and symptoms of these
disorders which the parents and guardians of teens need to look out. The known types of
eating disorders have minimal difference and it is noteworthy that one identifies which one he
or she is suffering from and gets the proper medication. The available treatment options rely
on each sufferer and their families.There is the need to advise and educate the sufferers on
how like their bodies, understanding their eating habits, and accepting themselves in the way
Thank you so much

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