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Kelompok 5

1. Ilya Melpa Rifrika ( 21019116 )

2. Muhammad Ilham (21019092 )
3. Naufal Alghani Shandi ( 21019096 )
4. Sahirsad ( 21019107 )
5. Shelcylia Azzahra ( 21019110 )
6. Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya ( 21019111 )

A persuasive speech is a type of speech

where the goal is to convince the audience to
accept the speaker's point of view or perform
a desired action.
1. Determining Your Specific Purposes

a. Convince your listeners to change something.

b. Change Audience's Belief (That something is True or
c. Change Audience's Opinion (About Something Value)
d. Change Audience's Behavior
2. Choosing Your Topic
A. Choose a topic that really interests you
B. Suggest a change that isn’t too large
C. Choose a topic that is controversial.
3. Analyzing your Audience

Audience analysis is the process of collecting as much information

as possible about your audience to better understand who they
are and what they care about.

There are three types of audience analysis

1. Demographic analysis.
2. Psychographic analysis.
3. Situational analysis.
4. Gathering Information
Gathering Information describes the process of acquiring
knowledge. It is not the knowledge itself. When a portion of
a story focuses on learning, it is the gathering of an
education that is of concern, not the education that
ultimately has been gathered. Gathering Information need
not be an academic endeavor.

5. Preparing Visual
idsThrough picture, graphs, or object, make your speech
6. Organizing Your Speech
A. Opener building on areas of agreement
B. Statement of purpose
C. Body
D. Summary
E. Memorable concluding remarks

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