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Week 12, 13, and 14 Giving an Oral Presentation

Buat 6 group

Buat presentasi mengenai business presentation dengan topik yang berbeda setiap kelompok

Cari di pinterest Business Communication, pilih salah satu topik lalu konfirmasi ke Dosen
mengenai topik tersebut.

12.1 Introduction

 In today's business world, it's extremely important to effectively communicate our ideas. Whether
we sell a product, outline a proposal, or attempt to enlist support for a project, one thing is certain,
that is, a splendid presentation will get marvelous results. Oral presentation, as a form of
communication, plays a more and more important role in a modern business setting.  According to
one survey, businesspeople give an average of 26 presentations a year. But not all the presentations
are effectively made for a variety of reasons. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore effective
presentation skills and techniques. To better bolster this subject, the author, starting from the theory
of communication, elucidates the skills in the following three phases of an oral presentation:
preparation, practice and presentation.

12.2. What Should We Do Before Making an Oral Presentation?

Before making an oral presentation, it is better for you to ask yourself about the following questions:
1. Who will I be speaking to? Harus tahu siapa audience, dengan siapa kita berbicara?
2. What do they know about my topic already? Harus tahu level topik supaya menarik sehingga
audience memperhatikan
3. What will they want to know about my topic? Apa yang ingin audience tahu dari topik
4. What do I want them to know by the end of my talk? Mengambil kesimpulan dari presentasi
By basing the content and style of your presentation on your answers to these questions, you can
make sure that you are in tune with your audience. What you want to say about your topic may be
much less important than what your audience wants to hear about it.

Table 12.1 Essential Preparation and Planning Checklist (Storz et al, 2002).
Questions To Ask Examples My Ideas
to buy my product
1. What is the aim? to adopt my recommendations
Apa tujuannya? to join the club
to give me a job
The new model of Nokia
2. What is my title?
How to reduce production costs
The Street Basketball Club
What are the benefits to the audience
of my product/report/speech?
Are these people the decision makers?
3. Who am I speaking What do they know of the subject?
to? How does this change my approach?
What sort of questions will they ask
me? What are the answers?
What aspects will they be interested
4. What are the main 1, 2, 3; first, second, third; point a,
points I want to make? point b, point c
We must invite them:
5. What do I want the a. to buy my product
audience to do after b. to accept my findings
c. to join the club
to my presentation?
d. to give me a job

12.3 Components of an Oral Presentation

Making a good oral presentation is an art that involves attention to the needs of your audience,
careful planning, and attention to delivery. It is more than just good delivery: it also involves
developing a strategy that fits your audience and purpose, having good content, and organizing
material effectively. We can subdivide these categories into specific components of effective
Table 12.2 Components of an Oral Presentation
Category Explanation

Adapting ideas to audience’s area of acceptance, experience, and

Strategy Using a strong opening and close
Using visual aids or other devices to involve audience

Using specific, vivid supporting material and language.
Contents Providing rebuttals to counterclaims or objections.

Providing an overview of main points.

Organization Signposting main points in body of talk.

Making direct eye contact with audience

Delivery Using a conversational style
Using voice and gestures effectively

Types of Nonverbal communication:

- Facial Expression

- Body Language and Posture

- Gestures

- Paralinguistics

- Eye Gaze

- Haptics

- Appearance

- Artifacts

12.4 Dealing with Fear

To calm down your nerves as you prepare to give an oral presentation,

1. Be prepared. Analyse tour audience, organize your thoughts, prepare visual aids,
practice your opener and close, and check out the arrangements.
2. Use the amount of caffeine you normally use. More or less may make you jumpy.
3. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
4. Relabel your nerves. Instead of saying, “I’m scared,” try saying, “My adrenaline is
up.” Adrenaline sharpens our reflexes and helps us do our best.

Just before your presentation,

5. Consciously contract and then relax your muscles, starting with your feet and calves
and going up to your shoulders, arms, and hands.
6. Take several deep breaths

During your presentation,

7. Pause and look at the audience before you begin speaking.

8. Concentrate on communication
9. Use body energy in strong gestures and movement.

12.5 Puposes In Oral Presentations

Oral presentations have three basic puposes: to inform, to persuade, and to build goodwill. Like
written message, most oral presentations have more than one purpose.

1. Informative presentations inform or teach the audience. Training sessions in an

organization are primarily informative. Secondary purposes may be to persuade new
employees to follow organizational procedures, rather than doing something their own way,
and to help them appreciate the organizational culture. Presentasi bersifat informatif
2. Persuasive presentations motivate the audience to act or to believe. Giving information and
evidences an important means of persuasion. In addition, the speaker must build goodwill by
appearing credible and sympathetic to the audience’s needs. The goal in many presentations
is a favourable vote or decision. For example, speakers making business presentations may
try to persuade the audience to approve their proposals, to adapt their ideas, or to buy their
products. Sometimes the goal is to change behaviour or attitudes or to reinforce existing
attitudes. For example, a speaker at a junior high school assembly may persuade students not
to use drugs. A speaker at a meeting of factory workers may stress the importance of
following safety procedures. A speaker at a church meeting may talk about the problem of
homelessness in the community shelters for the homeless. Presentasi bersifat membujuk
3. Goodwill presentations entertain and validate the audience. In an after dinner speech, the
audience wants to be entertained. Presentations at sales meetings may be designed to stroke

the audience’s egos and to validate their commitment to organizational goals. Presentasi
seperti pidato.

12.6 Organising your Information

Most presentations use direct pattern of organization, even when the goal is to persuade a reluctant
audience. In a business setting, the audience is in a hurry and knows that you want to persuade them.
Be honest about your goals, and then prove that your goal meets the audience needs, too.

In persuasive presentation, start with your strongest point, your best reason. If time permits, give
other reason as well and respond to possible objections. Put your weakest point in the middle so that
you can end on a strong note. Bentuk cara presentasi:

1. Chronological. Start with the past, move to the present, and end by looking ahead.
Menceritakan sejarahnya secara berurutan

2. Problem-causes-solution. Explain the symptoms of the problem, identify its causes, and
suggest a solution. This pattern works best when the audience will find your solution easy to
accept. Pertanyaan-Jawaban-Kesimpulan

3. Excluding alternatives. Explain the symptoms of the problem. Explain the obvious solution
first and show why they will not solve the problem. End by discussing a solution that will
work. This pattern may be necessary when the audience will find the solution hard to accept.

4. Pro-con. Give all the reasons in a favour of something, then those against it. This pattern
works well when you want the audience to see the weakness in its position. Membagi
audience yang setuju dan tidak setuju

5. 1-2-3. discuss three aspects of the topic. This pattern works well to organize short informative
briefings. “Today I’ll review our sale, production, and profits for the last quarter.”

Make your organization clear to the audience. Written document can be reread; they can use
headings, paragraph, lists, and identations to signal levels of detail. In a preserntation, you have
to provide explicit clues to the structure of your discourse.

12.7 An Example of Oral Presentation Evaluation Form 1

Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

NAME: __________________________________________________________

CLASS: ____________________________ GROUP: ____________________

TITLE: ___________________________________________________________



CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5
Adaptation to audience
Eye Contact
Body Language
Visual Aids
Language Expression
Handling Questions
Overall Effects
1 = none/poor; 2 = fair; 3 = satisfactory; 4 = good; 5 = excellent

An Example of Oral Presentation Evaluation Form 2

NAME: __________________________________________________________

CLASS: ____________________________ GROUP: ____________________

TITLE: ___________________________________________________________



Criteria Poor 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent

Content Not enough Consistent with time
material and purpose
Quality of No logical order Clear development of
Argument argument
Adaptation No attempt to Audience thoroughly
to Audience relate to audience involved
Eye Contact Little or none Constant eye contact
Voice Inaudible or Good control and
monotonous variation
Body Distracting, did Thoroughly
language not support supportive of speech
Visual Aids None or poorly Well devised and
presented presented
Handling Poorly dealt with Competently handled
Timing Badly judged, too Exactly judged
short or too long
Overall Very dull Highly interesting and
Effect engaging
Adapted from Galvin, Prescott, Husemen (1992)

TOTAL SCORE: _________________


12.8 Summary

Mastering oral presentation skills is very important for students in this modern world. These skills,
sooner or later, will bring them to better future. In the workplace, employees are required to be able
to give a presentation in front of a small group. This presentation could be promoting a service,
ideas, or product, outlining a proposal, or attempting to enlist support for a project. Therefore,
students should know how to prepare for a simple presentation, conduct a presentation, and receive
feedback from the lecturer as well as from his or her classmates.

12.9 Post Test

1. What components do you need to prepare when you are going to do the oral presentation?
2. How do we get rid of our fear when giving oral presentations?
3. List three puposes in oral presentations!
4. How do you organize information in the oral presentation?

12.10 Exercise
1. Giving an oral presentation differs from ________ a report.
a. written b. write c. to write d. writing
2. An oral presentation must present enough evidence to _________ the audience.
a. convincing b. convinced c. convince d. convincingly
3. A common mistake of inexperienced presenters _______ to try to say too much.
a. is b. are c. was d. have been
4. When you are presenting, don't read the text but you should ______to the audience.
a. talking b. talk c. talks d. have talked
5. You should face the audience and make as ________ eye contact as possible.
a. much b. many c. little d. few
6. Visual aids can be an excellent tool to ___________ a presentation.
a. enhancing b. enhance c. enhances d. have enhancd `
7. Preparing good visual aids will determine the ________ of an oral presentation.
a. succesfull b. succeed c. success d. succeeding
8. All visual aids should be simple, clear and _________.
a. attraction b. attractive c. attracts d. attracted
9. To make your slides more attractive to the audience, use bullet points, not ________
a. completing b. complement c. complete d. completely
10. At the end of your presentation, leave your audience with a clear summary of everything that
you ____________ covered.
a. have b. has c. are d. ahoul have

Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the list below the text

Giving an oral presentation is more than just _______ (1) a paper or set of slides to an
audience. How you _______ (2) your presentation is at least as important in effectively
communicating your message as what you say. Read oral presentation’s ________ (3) to
learn simple ________ (4) that help you prepare and present an effective presentation, and
design PowerPoint slides that _________ (5) and enhance your talk.

a. tools b. deliver c. reading d. support e. guidelines

When making an _______ (6) presentation in class, you must know your subject well and
_______ (7) your audience that they have something to ________ (8) from listening to you.
How can you make an ________ (9) oral presentation? One thing you should remember
before _________ (10) a presentation is that you have to ________ (11) yourself. Research
your _______ (12) to ensure that you are knowledgeable. Practice your presentation until you
feel comfortable. Make _______ (13) you can present your information within whatever time
________ (14) you will have. Anticipate questions you may be ________ (15) and prepare
answers to these.

a. making b. sure c. convince d. subject e. gain

f. asked g. oral h. effective i. limits j. prepare

12.11 Task
Imagine you are working in a large multi-national company. You work in the Marketing Department.
Two days ago you were called to meet your marketing manager. In this meeting, you and your group
were asked by your marketing manager to promote the newest product (service) that your company
has just launched. You and your group should give a business presentation in front your potential
customers. Your company's products can include vehicles such as the latest model Toyota Rush or
the latest type of Honda Vario motorbike. They can also be in the form of computers, gadgets and

accessories such as the latest model of Lenovo Laptops, Samsung smartphones, or Toshiba Power
Banks. They can also be in the form of food, drinks, drugs, clothes, or anything else that you can
present. Your company services can be related to tourism such as "7 days 6 nights tour package to
Bali" or “promoting your hotel rooms”. This can also be an English language course or any service
that you can promote.

Within your group, please discuss what you will present. Your product or service must be real and
already available on the market so that it's easy for your group to find the visual aids from Google or
Youtube. Prepare your presentation as interesting as possible. At week 13 you will present your
product or service. Your lecturer will provide feedback on your presentation. You will be asked to
correct your shortcomings. Discuss them with your lecturer if you have any question. At week 14
you will be asked to present your product or service again. Your presentation will be assessed based
on the evaluation form that was discussed at the previous meeting. Good luck!


Locker, Kitty O. and Kienzler, Donna S. (2008) Busniness and Administrative communication (8th edition).

Rockefeller Center, New York: The McGraw−Hill Companies,

18 Ways to Make Your Presentation
More Interactive
t can be difficult to hold your audience’s attention for the entire presentation. According
to a Prezi study, half of the respondents said they did something other than listen during
a co-worker’s presentation, including:

 Sending a text message (28%)

 Checking emails (27%)
 Falling asleep (17%)

An interactive presentation is much more likely to keep your audience’s attention and
build rapport with them, and there are a few simple ways to achieve this, from live polling
to asking questions throughout.

This article explores several different effective strategies for making the audience feel
fully involved in your presentation and keeping your audience’s eyes away from their

Why involve your audience?

Listening to a presentation for any length of time can be a difficult process. If you don’t
involve the audience, they’ll start to play with their phones, talk to colleagues and
generally lose track of what you are saying. Once this happens and you start seeing that
the audience would rather be somewhere else, you’ll start feeling anxious and might try
to speed up the presentation.

Mengapa pada saat presentasi harus memikirkan audience? Agar dapat

memperkirakan materi yang akan dibawakan dalam presentasi sesuai dengan
background knowledge.

To engage a large audience fully, the presentation needs to be energetic, purposeful
and staged, as if it is a direct conversation between both you and your audience. That
way, they’ll absorb your ideas and insights and they’ll have learnt something in an
enjoyable way.

1. Plan from the audience’s perspective

Before you start writing your presentation, think about these points:

 What are the most interesting parts in my topic?

 How much will the audience know about my topic? What level do I target it at?
 Which members of the audience will most likely be disinterested?
 How can I help them learn and understand my topic?
 What is the size of the audience?

You can do this by researching the event or conference, investigating other speakers at
the event and even contacting the organisers to find out more about the demographic.

By asking these questions about your audience and identifying answers, you are
starting to think about your audience’s interests and needs. Remember, the aim is to
give the impression that your presentation has been planned according to your
audience’s specific interests.

2. Use an easy-to-follow structure
When building your presentation, focus on giving it a structure which people can easily
follow. Start by introducing the core concepts and goals, then elaborate on the various
points in a bit more detail, draw logical conclusions and leave your audience with a clear
takeaway message. You want to flow naturally from one part to the next like you are
telling a big story chapter by chapter.

Bagaimana strategi jika semua audience mendengarkan?

3. Get the audience immediately involved

You audience will come to your presentation in a range of different moods. Try using a
simple ice-breaker to re-energise them and get them focussed on your presentation.

For example, ask people to stand up and introduce themselves to their neighbours, or
have them identify two or three questions they would like to hear addressed during your
presentation. By starting with an ice-breaker, you show your audience that your talk will
be interactive and require their participation.

4. Ask the audience questions during your presentation
The audience's attention drops to zero after just 10-15 minutes of your presentation. To
get their attention back, take a break from your presentation from time to time and
interact with your audience. Ask for their questions and answer them during your
presentation. This will help clear up any confusion the audience might have.

When planning your presentation, identify opportunities in your material for your
audience to ask questions. If you’re not comfortable breaking the flow of your
presentation, mention that you’ll be taking questions at the end so the audience can
prepare some questions.

Asking rhetorical questions as you move through your presentation involves your
audience by stimulating their own thought processes. This technique also helps move
between sections of your presentation as it establishes a clear transition from one point
to another.

If you’re comfortable with taking questions throughout your presentation, use a tools
such as, which allows your audience to ask questions anonymously at any time,
so even shy people can participate in the discussion.

Example of what can go wrong with audience interaction

Audience interaction:

Watch how the presenter tries but initially fails to get the audience to interact with the
presentation. Notice how he encourages them to get involved and eventually they do
join in.

5. Use storytelling to make it more memorable

Since our early ancestors, stories have always been a huge part of human culture and
civilisation. Storytelling is the most universal way to captivate your audience's attention,
no matter where they are from or what they do for a living.

Stories are much more engaging and memorable than lists of facts and figures, but you
wouldn’t think so looking at the majority of presentations (particularly academic ones).

People automatically tune in when you start telling your story because they want to
know what happens next. A popular storytelling technique is when you present the
status quo and then reveal an improved path to that end goal.

Think of your presentation as one arching narrative. As we mentioned earlier, give it the
proper structure with a clear beginning, middle and end. Introduce conflict and provide a
powerful resolution that reinforces your key messages.

6. Use non-linear presentation software

Instead of flipping through slide after slide, you can show the relationships between your
ideas and give your audience the “big picture” view of your topic. Try letting your
audience drive the presentation by laying out all of your main points, and then let them
choose which topics they want to go to. Your audience will get a truly custom
presentation based on their interests, which they will appreciate and more easily

Prezi, shown above, is a popular non-linear presentation tool.

7. Add in a short video

Billions of hours of YouTube are consumed each month and advertisers have identified
videos as having a high retention rate for users. However very few presentations ever
use videos to engage with their audience.

Find a short video clip that reinforces your story or explains a concept better than words
can. You can either embed the video directly into your presentation software or include a
link to an external website. Just make sure you test your method on the day of the
presentation and have a backup on a USB just in case you need it.

8. Invite people onto the stage

If you’re preparing a particularly long presentation, consider having other people to
come on stage and talk for a bit. This will help you narrate the story and make the whole
presentation more interactive.

Steve Jobs never pulled off the entire presentation by himself; he always invited several
speakers, including designers, partners, and other executives, to help him introduce
their latest product. Of course, this technique should always be arranged with your
colleagues in advance.

9. Poll the audience

Polls are similar to quizzes in that they engage the audience during the presentation.
Polls encourage participants to think not only about your questions but also about their
answers. Moreover, live polls help create mental breaks, so your audience can regain
attention and stay focused throughout your presentation.

By including everyone in answering the question, you also create a group experience
that leaves the audience feeling like they all have been part your presentation.

10. Use (appropriate) humour
Some of the best speeches and presentations in the world feature plenty of humour. No
matter the subject, a great speaker will use natural charisma, humour and language to
convey their points and get the crowd excited about what they are saying.

A great example of building rapport with the audience through the use of humour is
Barrack Obama talking about the government building Iron Man.

Another example is when Morgan Spurlock offers individuals the opportunity to buy the

rights to name his TED talk—which he refers to again at the end, where he reveals the
title. He peppers the entire presentation with humorous commentary that nonetheless
supports his point.

Create relevant jokes or find a way to bring out the humour in your subject, and your
audience will be much more engaged and more likely to remember your words.

11. Practice your delivery, again and again

Practicing is the most important part of delivering an interactive presentation. You’ll need
to practice where to use live quizzes, when to accept questions, which points to

emphasise with body language and many more. There are several options for

 In front of a mirror – great for seeing and improving your body language,
however it can be distracting to what you are saying.
 To friends or colleagues – a useful way to get feedback on your presentation,
try and action the feedback straight away to improve on it. You can also give the
person some key areas to focus their feedback on if you believe you are weaker
in those areas.
 Virtual reality – practice in realistic virtual environments, whether it be in a
conference room or boardroom. Receive feedback on your speech with voice
analysis technology.

With all three of these, you’ll want to work on your tone of voice, accent, pauses
between sentences and facial expressions. The most important thing is to talk slowly
and loudly enough to be heard and understood clearly.

12. Try and relate to the audience

Make comparisons to events from everyday life that most people are more than familiar
with. By making things look simple, not only will you help your audience get a better
understanding of the subject by enabling them to visualize the information more clearly,
you will also draw a connection between you. After all, you are all just regular people
with similar experience, you just happen to be performing different roles at the moment.

13. Strong body language (position, posture and gesture)
Non-verbal communication plays a large part in how we construct meaning, so it makes
sense to consider how to use it in your presentation. You can make things more
interesting for your audience by using your body language to enhance what you’re

Body language goes beyond reinforcing your messaging – it’s useful from a biological
standpoint. As discussed in her body language TED talk, Amy Cuddy’s research found
that using ‘assertive’ body language released testosterone and reduced cortisol in both
men and women, thereby increasing confidence and decreasing stress.

An effective presenter pays close attention to the physical relationship with her/his
audience. If you stand hidden behind an overhead projector or stand too far away from
your audience, they will not develop a bond with you and this will limit the effectiveness
of your presentation.

Your posture will also dictate levels of audience involvement. If you’re too relaxed and sit
slumped in a chair to deliver your talk, the audience might drift away. Find a comfortable
but purposeful position in relation to your audience and adopt an upright sitting or
standing posture that allows for movement and gesture.

Audiences respond well to the physical energy and enthusiasm being conveyed by a
presenter, and thus the use of clear and controlled gestures will greatly enhance your
presentation. Gestures that are open and reach out to your audience serve to extend
your presentation to them and thus help them feel more involved.
Examples of good body language:

 Use hand gestures when delivering key points

 Use calm, deliberate movements when highlighting certain information
 Keep arms and legs uncrossed

14. Maintain eye contact with all sections of the audience

Making eye contact is one of the most powerful techniques for involving your audience.
If used well, eye contact can serve to make your address much more personal and thus
more effective. If eye contact is avoided, the presenter can appear to be nervous and

It is important to share eye contact with all members of a small audience or all sections
of a large audience. Avoid making eye contact with just the people you know, taking
particular care not to deliver your entire presentation to the person who’s assessing your
work. Remember that you will need to involve the whole audience if you are to make an
effective presentation.

If you are nervous, eye contact can be very difficult to establish and maintain.
Remember that some eye contact is better than none and that you should try to build
your confidence over time.

15. Use live quizzes to better understand your audience

Live quizzes are a great way to understanding your audience better get them engaging
with the material.

For example, if you’re giving a presentation on autonomous vehicles, you could ask
questions such as:

 When do you think autonomous vehicles will become mainstream?

 Are you concerned by safety issues?
 If someone is injured or killed by the car, who is to blame?

These will surely create some interesting results which you, as the presenter, can talk
about and discuss.

16. Use physical props if possible
You don’t need to be giving a product demo to use props during your presentation.
Props are a great way to help the audience visually picture what you are talking about.
While talking through your presentation, you can refer to the prop at certain points to
highlight your point or make it clear to the audience.

Kenny Nguyen does this will in his TEDx talk on 'The Art of Saying No'. He refers to the
"sword of yes" and "shield of no." Naturally he picks up a sword and shield from the
table to help demonstrate his points.

Another great example is when Jill Bolte Taylor brings a real human brain on stage
during her TED talk to explain to what happened to her when she had a stroke. She
touched the audience with this demonstration and left the audience in complete awe.

17. Extend your usual vocal range

Your tone of voice, your volume, and other vocal aspects affect how people listen and
hear your message.

Julian Treasure’s TED talk on 'How to speak so that people want to listen' is all about
this, and at the end offers several tips 'in our toolbox' for how to master the use of voice,
from changing your speaking pace to speaking in a different pitch.

Get feedback from a friend or colleague to see what works best for you.

18. Use language and literary techniques

Your use of language has a huge influence on the way you engage your audience. It’s
important to use language your audience understands and is familiar with. Avoid using
language that is too formal or informal, too technical or too simplistic depending upon
the nature of your talk and the knowledge base of your audience. Pitching your
presentation at the right level can be a challenge but it is very effective for making the
audience feel involved.

There are various literary techniques you can use, such as the Power or Three, to give
greater impact to your message.

Involving your audience is essential to making an impact. Your presentation should pull
them in, get their attention and stimulate their thoughts and understanding. This can be
done in a number of ways.

The way that you plan your presentation will be critical in terms of using language and
ideas that your audience will understand. You must also ensure that there is sufficient
time for questions and discussion. The way that you deliver your presentation should
create a bond with your audience.

Your use of eye contact, body language, spoken words and energy
should communicate effectively and enthusiastically with all areas of the room, thus
ensuring that the audience receives positive messages about you and your material.


10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint
presentation awesome

The much-maligned PowerPoint is not dead.

Whether delivered in PowerPoint, on a PC, or Keynote, on a Mac, bad slides,

delivered badly will make your audience regret their second serving at the buffet.

We’ve all suffered through horrible slide shows with long lists of unreadable bullets,
pixelated clip art delivered by a speaker who constantly turns away from the
audience so they can read from the screen.

Here are my 10 easy ways to make any PowerPoint presentation awesome.


You could be tempted to start monkeying with slides early in your speech writing
process – don’t. It’s like building a road – until you know where that road is heading
there’s no point laying down sidewalks and planting trees. Your slides are there to
ADD to a well-designed speech, not to replace it.


People come to listen to you – your thoughts, interpretations and insights. Fancy
transitions, YouTube clips, and tons of text steal from your content and delivery.

Remember: every time you hit that clicker the audience leaves you and goes to the


A consistent theme pulls together the variety in your images and message, as you
move from problem to solution. You could use the baked-in themes supplied in
PowerPoint or Keynote – I don’t because I want a simpler, more unique look.

I create a custom theme simply with my titles, a consistent white background, and
sometimes with my logo or my client’s logo.


of unreadable text, use an eye-catching image and less text

Want to quickly improve a tired slide deck? Make your images larger (in this post I
share where to get free images) and reduce the text. Remember the theme in this
post is your slides should add to your speech – not distract the audience away from

We know our brain can process images some 60,000 times faster than text – using a
large image gets your point across quickly, without being a distraction. And a short
list of brief bullets helps your audience follow your argument – nothing more.


In my 60 minute speech, I might have 30-35 slides, depending on stories I’m telling
or complexity of the message. Each slide represents a complete story. I might be
presenting statistics (sparingly), recalling an experience that leads to a lesson, or
teaching a lesson.

But, I always stick to one story per slide.


in PowerPoint

in Keynote

The trick when presenting text, like a short list of bullets, is to make your point
without losing the audience. One technique is to reveal one bullet at a time. In
PowerPoint, right click on your text box, select Custom Animation > Add Entrance
Effect and then choose the effect you want. In Keynote, click Animate > Build in and
choose the effect you want.


It’s great that you know how to turn text into flames and make images spin – but
leave those fireworks to Disney. Your job is to make you the star. Simple transitions,
clean fonts and large, attractive graphics trumps PowerPoint tricks, every time.
8. USE THE 2/4/8 RULE.

When I look back at my most successful slide decks there’s a pattern, I call it the
2/4/8 rule: about every 2 minutes I have a new slide (about 30 slides for a 60 minute
speech), no more than 4 bullets per slide, and no more than 8 words per bullet.

Just like any recipe, use the 2/4/8 rule as a guide and then vary the ingredients as


Your slides are not the point—you are. When you fade to black you regain your
audience’s attention. For example, after I present one solution (that’s also shown on
the screen), I’ll fade to black while I expound on how to apply the solution in your

It’s no different than a close-up in a movie – the director wants you to focus only on
the speaker. Note that some remotes don’t have the black screen feature – if you’re
shopping for a remote be sure it does.


If you’re Al Gore explaining trends in CO2 emissions, slides can be essential –

they can also be a distraction. When I’m struggling, trying to decide if I need a slide,
or not, I ask myself: “Will it make my speech better?” If not, I dump it.

Remember, nobody will miss what isn’t there.

One last thing. If you’re flying solo, without an A/V crew, spend the $80 and pack a
remote (with spare batteries.) Nothing’s worse than watching a speaker repeatedly
lean over, hunt for the right key, and then peck away to advance the slides.

If you enjoyed this article, here are more about PowerPoint:

How the experts create world-class PowerPoint Slides (and you can too)
PowerPoint Primer – the only 3 slides you’ll ever need
How to add video to PowerPoint and Keynote like a pro

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