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Unit 3: The Way We Live


-The Passive Voice:

Past, present, Future
The Passive Voice
– Affirmative: Subject+ verb to be + verb participle of
the main verb
• Present: This jacket is sold online
• Past: This castle was built by the Barbarians
• Future: These books will be sent tomorrow

– Negative: Subject + verb to be + not + verb

participle of the main verb
• Present: This jacket isn’t sold in the shop.
• Past: This castle wasn’t built by the Romans
• Future: These books won’t be sent today.
– Interrogative: Verb to be/Will (future) + Subj +
verb participle of the main verb/ be + verb
participle of the main verb/ + …?
• Present: Is this jacket sold online?
• Past: Was this castle built by the Romans?
• Future: Will these books be sent today.?
– Highlight the action instead of the subject of the
• This scarf was bought in England

– The subject who makes the action is obvious,

unknonw or it doesn’t want to be named it:
• Laws are made in the Parliament.

• The painting was robbed last night.

Active to Passive

– My father (subject) bought a new car (direct object)

last year  A new car was bought last year by my
 El objeto directo de la oración principal pasa a ser el sujeto de la oración pasiva y el sujeto de la
oración activa pasa a ser complemento agente

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