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Hand Hygiene Compliance Rate

Created By :
Dr. Doaa Awad
• Calculation of HH Compliance Rate
• Observed Departments
• Causes of low HH compliance
• How to use the collected Data
• Strategy to increase HH compliance
• Tools to apply the strategy
• looking forward to have ……
How to calculate :
Observed Departments on hand hygiene :

• Emergency “3%”

• ICU “50%”
Causes of not applying hand hygiene :

1. Attitudes & beliefs related hand

hygiene measures

2. Knowledge of hand hygiene

3. Environmental constraints

4. Social and cultural norms

The information provided was used in developing a
communication strategy to increase compliance with
hand hygiene practices
• Identify who should practice hand hygiene
• Describe what hand hygiene is
• Identify where hand hygiene practice should take place
• Explain why hand hygiene is important
• Describe when hand hygiene is to be performed
• Describe how to perform hand hygiene using various methods
• Describe tips for success for effective of hand hygiene
Strategy to increase HH compliance:

1. Education & Training

2. Reminder & awareness signs
3. Accessible alcohol containers & hand washing areas
4. Three Dr.s & Nurses to act as observer “ with Bonus”
5. Nursery School assignments on HH compliance and awareness
6. Selecting a model with reward every month
Tools to be used :
1.Education steps

1. Educate staff on what monitoring really means

2. Establish internal champions

3. Focused on ROI
Importance of hand wash (HAI)
1.Education steps
Tools to be used
2.Awareness signs
2.Awareness signs
•Alcohol-based hand rub :
• is the recommended method of hand hygiene in
any healthcare setting when hands are not visibly

• Soap and water :

• is the recommended method when hands
are visibly soiled. Plain soap is used for
routine hand hygiene while anti-microbial
soap is used in acute care high-risk areas.
2.Awareness signs
The 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene are:

1. Before initial patient

2. Before patient environment contact

3. Before aseptic or clean procedures

4. After body fluid exposure

5. After contact with patient or patient

3.Alcohol and Hand washing areas
4.Observer • Nursing school

• 3 Dr.s and Nurses for each Dep. As


• Increasing salary for the night shift


• Select a model every month and

champion per year

4.ROI for the increasing HH compliance rate
Most recent technology among hand
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