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A desert
• Is a place that gets a small
amount of precipitation and is
• And the word desert originates
from the French deserts witch
means without inhabitants
There are deserts all over the world like
• In Africa there are 4 deserts the Sahara, the
Libyan, the Kalahari, and the Namib desert
• In North America we have the Great Basin, the
Chihuahuan, the Colorado, the Yuma, the
Mojave, and the Sonoran desert
• In South America there are the Patagonia and
the Atacama desert
• In Asia there are the Arabian, the Rub’ Al-
Khali, the Gobi, the Kyzylkum, the Takla
Makan, the Karakum, the Kavir, the Syrian, the
Thar, the Lut, and the Negev desert
• In Australia there is the Great Victoria, the
Great Sandy, the Gibson, and the Simson desert
• and there is the desert of antarctica
• range from -76 f to over 100 f
• But most deserts are hot
• And get an average of 10in of rain a year
Desert Animals
Camels eat grass grain wheat and oats.
Roadrunner eat bugs small lizards and snails
Coyotes eat cactus fruit, flowers, bugs, lizards, rodents, rabbits, birds, and snakes
desert tortoise eat grass, fruit, flowers, and cactus
gila monster eat small birds, eggs, lizards and frogs
1 invasive
species is
every where
we go we
kill habitats
and animals
Some endangered desert animals are the northwest African cheetah and
the desert tortoise
desert plants

• Saguaro cactus
• Joshua tree
• Golden barrel cactus
• Red pancake
• Tubelweed
Desert facts!
• Antarctica is a desert even know its cold
• Most animals come out at night in the desert because its too hot
during the day
• The Sahara desert is the biggest desert in the world

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