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Symptoms of cushing


Cushing's syndrome is a disorder that occurs when the body produces too much of
the hormone cortisol over a long period of time. This condition is also known as
hypercortisolemia and is more common in women.
Cortisol is also called the 'stress hormone' because it helps the body respond to
stress. In addition, cortisol also has the following functions:

Maintains blood pressure, Regulates blood glucose, Reduces inflammation, and

Converts foods consumed into energy.
The increase in this hormone can be caused by external as well as internal factors. The
external factor that most often causes an increase in this hormone is the use of glucocorticoid
drugs in high and long-term doses. The drug is used to treat other conditions, such as asthma,
rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. 
In rare cases, the increase in cortisol can also be due to internal factors, in which the sufferer's
body produces too much cortisol. Several types of tumors can cause these conditions, namely:

1 2 3
Pituitary Tumor  Ectopic ACTH-producing Adrenal Tumors
Increased blood sugar.
The face looks round (moon face). Depression and anxiety
The face looks ruddy. Osteoporosis.
Weight gain or obesity. Kidney stone.
Fat deposits on the nape (buffalo neck). Symptoms
Sleep disorders.
Depletion of skin prone to bruising. of Cushing Growth of hair on the body and face.
Pimple. Syndrome In women, irregular menstruation.
Fatigue. Decreased libido.
Weak muscles. Erectile disorders in men.
Hypertension. •

Referensi :
Sudoyo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, Simadibrata M, Setiadi S. Cushing syndrome and cushing disease. Tarigan TJE, editor. Textbooks on medicine
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