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Human Cultural Evolution

Different Palaeothic Period

Stages of
Neolithic Period
Age of Metal
Paleolithic Period
First stone tools invented
The term “Palaeolithic” was
coined by archaeologist John
Lubbock in 1865.
It is derived the from Greek
word, palaios, which means
"old"; and lithos, "stone", In
short, the Palaeolithic Period,
which happened 2.5 million
years ago, is also known as "Old
Stone Age".
Paleolithic Period
Paleolithic – John Lubbock in 1865
Palaios – “old”
Lithos – “stone”
Old Stone Age
What was there?

Animals such as deer, giraffes,

sheep, goats, horses,
elephants, lions, ants, sharks,
and dogs with huge teeth
Food Shelter
Hunters & No permanent homes.
Nomads - A member of
people having no
permanent abode and
who travel from place
to find fresh pasture
for their livestock.

Rubbing a
stick against
a tree truck
Rubbing two stones together
Theirpaintings represents hunting
They shaped stones to make tools
Neolithic Revolution
 Is also called as the “First Agricultural Revolution”
 Hunting and gathering to of agriculture and
 People depend on domesticated plants and animals
 Learned to create such as crafts as pottery and
 Developed boat as means of transportation and for
fishing as well
 Earlyhumans were nomads, but they soon started to
develop a sedentary type of society, out of which
they built-up towns and villages.
Age of Metal Age
 They were never satisfied with their accomplishments.
So, they made the discovery of metals.
 Stone was eventually abandoned as the primary

 material for their instruments and implements.
 Useof materials such as bronze, copper, and iron
produced a new historical development.
 There were three stages distinguished within this Age.
Three Stages of Age Metals:

1. Copper Age
2. Bronze Age
3. Iron Age
The Copper Age
 Copper was the first known
 It is of a low hardness, and
it was used to make
The Bronze Age
 Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin and it is harder
and stronger than copper.
 Agricultural tools were developed with bronze, such as
plows and sickles, military weapons like swords,
spears and shields, as well as household utensils like
jars, bowls and cups.
 Likewise,a more developed social, cultural, political,
and economic system were improved.
 Tribes, empires, and state were recognized at this
Iron Age

 ??????
Palaeolithic Neolithic
Metal Age
Age Age

Unpolished Polishes stone

Use of metals
stone tools and tools

Hunting and Tribe, empires,
of plants and
Gathering and state

Living in
Nomadic way
permanent Civilization
of Living
and RISE of the STATE
Ancient State Civilization
Modern State and Civilization
Ancient State and Civilization

 One of the earliest states and civilization was

found in the Fertile Crescent which is known as
Mesopotamian civilization.
 The word Mesopotamia is a Greek word for “Land
between two rivers”.
 Located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
 It is also known as the Fertile Crescent.
History writing appeared as early as over 5,000
years ago in Mesopotamia.
Cuneiform - One of the most significant
civilizations in the history of Mesopotamian
culture and one of the earliest writing systems.
Had its own government, rulers, warriors,
patron God, and functioned like an
independent country
There were also what we call
Mesopotamian warrior-gods who
govern and protect the people
under its government.
Dynasty – It is a series of rulers
descending from a single-family
Egyptian Civilization
 Another ancient stated and civilizations was Egyptian
 Emerged along the River Nile in the north-east of Africa.
 Ancient Egyptians lived near the River Nile because of its fertile
land suitable for growing crops and domestication of animals.
 Egyptians called their king a pharaoh.
 Pharaoh – was all powerful; He passed laws, He ruled the
country, He owned most of the land, and He controlled the trade
and led armies. This is why Egyptians believed that the pharaohs
were Gods.
Modern State Civilization
 In the European continent, several states and civilization grew
tremendously over centuries.
 In England, around 1500s, most of the people lived in small
villages. They paid tithes to their feudal landlords. Henry VII won
the War of the Roses in England, which led into what is known as
the Tudor dynasty
 In Spain in the year 1492, Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and
Isabella took Spain back from the Muslim. It became the era of
Spain as a global power.
 In France, Louis XIV of France created an absolute monarchy.
France became the dominant power in Europe. When The French
Revolution broke out, it created the modern French nation-state,
which sparked nationalism around Europe.
Modern State
 In 1914, when various nation-states started to claim
their power and superiority over all the nations in the
world, the World War I begun until 1918.
 In 1919, Treaty of Versailles ended the World War I. It
divided several multinational empires that led to the
creation of several new nation-states.
 In 1939, the World War II started until 1945. The end
of World War II led to the formation of United Nations
in 1945.
Moreover, a democracy is a form of government where the citizens
of the nation have the power to vote. There are several different
types of democracies;

1. a representative democracy is a system where

citizens choose government representatives
among their citizens,
2. direct democracy is when the citizens form a
governing body and vote directly on issues,
3. constitutional democracy limits the powers of
government through the nation’s constitution.

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