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• Promote Blood Circulation
• Relieve Stress
• Eases Arthritic Pain
• Reduces Headache
• Helps detox the body
• Promotes blood circulation. A
foot spa improves blood
circulation, aside from energizing
and relaxing the body.
• Relieves stress. Soaking feet in
warm water and massaging feet
eases tension and the stresses of
the day.
• Eases arthritic pain. Just putting your
feet up already results in some relief.
Imagine how much more relief a foot
spa can bring, especially to muscles
and joints suffering from arthritis.
• Reduces headaches. Many nerve
joints are located on the underside
of the feet. Massaging these points
during a foot spa helps in treating
headaches and migraines.
• Helps detoxify the body. Soaking the
feet, especially in a foot bath with
Epsom salts, helps release toxic metals
in the body while helping to absorb
magnesium and sulphates which bring
many benefits to your health.
Callous Remover
• It is a tool designed
to strip off calluses and corns.
Foot file
• It is made of metal or sandpaper,
with a rough file on one side to
remove calluses and a fine file on the
other to smoothen the feet.
Foot Spa Basin
• A large rectangular
container used for
bathing and soaking
the feet when giving a
Pumice Stone
• This is a type of volcanic
rock, which is actually
frothy lava solidified to
form a porous rock to
remove dry and annoying
skin of the feet as well as
• An absorbent cloth for drying the
hands and feet.
Foot Blush
• It is a liquid spray that
contains peppermint and
alpha hydroxyl acids derived
from fruits that whisks away
dead skin cells, deodorizes
and soften the feet, giving it a
pinkish glow after use.
Foot Soak
• An herbal blend to relax,
energize, soothe and
deodorize the feet.
Foot Scrub
• This is a mixture of natural
ingredients to keep feet
soft, smooth and
• any of various cosmetic
preparations that are
applied to soften the skin.
• An organic compound
used as sanitizer.
Foot Spa Machine
• An electronic gadget
used for soaking, bathing
and massaging the feet
during a foot spa.
Foot Spa Stool
• A simple seat with three or
four legs designed to
provide comfort and
elevation during a foot spa.
1. Prepare all your tools,
making sure everything is
within reach.
2. Fill your footbath with water
hot enough for you to tolerate,
but not too hot that it will
burn or scald your feet.
3. Add Epsom salts, a few drops
of your favorite essential oil and
some foot wash (if desired). If
you do not have a foot wash,
body wash or shampoo will do.
Stir, making sure that
everything is well mixed.
4. Soak your feet in the foot
bath for 10-15 minutes. The
solution will then remove the
dirt and soften your toenails
and feet.
5. Remove your feet from the
water and dry thoroughly.
6. Remove nail polish (if you are
wearing some) from your toenails and
then trim your nails to the desired
length and file them to get the shape
you want.
7. Using a foot file or a pumice stone,
gently exfoliate your feet,
concentrating on the heel and its
Slide Title

Product A Product B
• Feature 1 • Feature 1
• Feature 2 • Feature 2
• Feature 3 • Feature 3

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