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Disaster Recovery Plan

3.2- DRP Analysis

3.2- DRP Analysis

A DRP Methodology is part of the ISO 27001 Information Security

Standard. It is normally Divided in 4 Parts:

Analysis Planning Preparation Tests

DRP Organization
Action Plan Testing

Methodology App. Impact Recovery Minimum

Analysis Committees Requirements

Vital Records

3.2- DRP Analysis

3.2- DRP Analysis

During the first Stages of the Organization of the Project to Drive a

DRP, the following 9 factors need to be defined:

1. Members of the DRP Work team

2. Scope of the Plan
3. Review and understanding of the Objectives
Organization of 4. Gathering of base Information
5. Analysis of the current Operational processes
the Project 6. Training of the DRP Work Team
7. Development of the Work Plan
8. Communication of the Plan
9. Definition of Control Points

Proper documentation needs to be written for every step of the

organization stage.
3.2- DRP Analysis

Applications Impact Analysis (AIA) is the Analysis of all the

applications that the IS/IT area manages, in order to identify the
most CRITICAL ONES for the business, and the minimum
requirements they need to operate.

It also helps identify the impact each application has in other

Impact Analysis The AIA has the following Objectives:

1. Prioritize the applications that support the daily operation of

the organization.
2. Determine the impact of not having a specific set of
application(s) available for a specific period of time.
3. The mínimum HW and SW required to recover the operation of
each organization’s system.
3.2- DRP Analysis

AIA allows the business to answer 3 main questions:

1. Which are the Business functions with the higher Impact and
2. How much time can the Organization endure without its
critical applications?
3. How long can an organization survive without its Technology
Application services?.
Impact Analysis
AIA Concepts:

 Tolerance Time: Maximum time in which Systems can be down

without Impacting an organization. It may change depending on
the day of the Week/Month.
 Critical periods: Specific days of the week/month/year in which
the operation of the business increases.
3.2- DRP Analysis

Minimum Operational Requirements:

List of all of the resources needed for the organization to operate,
including technology, documentation, equipment, office supplies,

Other AIA
Vital Records:
Files, Data Bases, Documentation, Lists of Vendors, Invoices,
Concepts Records, etc. That may be stored in different kinds of media which
mey be needed for the operation of ther organization.
3.2- DRP Analysis

Several factors serve as a guideline to identify Critical

1. Operational Impact.
2. Legal / Tax Impact

AIA 3. Image Impact

Identification 4. Financial Impact

Criteria 5. Third Party Impact (Customers, Vendors, Partners)
6. Communication Impact
3.2- DRP Analysis


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