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What is an infographic?
An infographic is basically an artistic representation of data and information
using different elements such as :

Checklist Graphs

Timelines Pictures

Narrative Diagrams
Infographics allows us to tell a more complete story of the data and more
Engaging than most traditional ways of communicating data and
information .
Here are some examples of graphical elements that you might find an


A recruiting tool :
Infographics have long been used by
designers on resumes as a way of
visually simplifying their careers and
highlighting specific skill sets in
utilizing their own design style. At
some point, recruiters realized they
could use infographics to do the same
thing but in reverse.
Presenting survey data:
Infographics are highly useful for
presenting results gathered from
survey data. Statistics and
numbers can overwhelm a lot of
audiences, and therefore lose
much of their significance.
Simplifying a complicated concept:
The core purpose of an infographic
is to simplify a complex idea which
makes them great educational tools,
especially when presenting an
overview of a topic instead of an in-
depth analysis.
Explaining how something works:
In addition to simplifying complex ideas, infographics are often used to reveal
the mechanics behind how intricate objects work.
Comparisons :
When drawing comparisons, infographics help organize similarities and differences
by visually creating parallels that complement the information being presented.
Comparisons can be difficult to express with words, sometimes to the point of being
more confusing than revealing to the audience.
Interesting facts:
There are lots of interesting facts that aren’t quite interesting enough to be
organized in simple lists. When displayed in an infographic, these facts can be
brought to life. 
When words just don’t work:
The perfect use of an infographic is to
visually explain things that can’t be
explained with words. Some concepts just
don’t have words associated with them, or,
as in the case below, some words don’t
translate outside of their native tongue.
Raise awareness:
There is a lot of important information that
is often dry or unpleasant, but that needs to
be communicated to raise awareness of
issues or concerns. Infographics can make
information more interesting to read and
more likely to be shared.
Inform consumers:
Consumers prefer making informed
decisions so that they can be assured
that they are spending their money
wisely on something that will fit their
needs. Businesses can install confidence
in their customers by presenting
information that is relevant to
purchasing decisions in easily accessible
Leverage a holiday season:
As the holiday season approaches, brands
scramble to produce relevant celebratory
content that’s still original. So, why not try an
Do’s of infographics:
Take great care in crafting your narrative. 
Design it to be engaging and accessible.
Have a distribution Plan.

Don’ts of infographics:
Rely too heavily on online creators and stock templates.
Ignore the length of your infographic. 
Forget to cite your sources.

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