Developing Writing Confidence

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Developing Confidence

in Writing
What are your concerns when it
comes to writing? Do you have
trouble starting/ending a paper?
Is it hard to come up with ideas?

Common fears
& how to
combat them
1. Fear of Perfection
⊹ No paper is perfect!
⊹ Mistakes happen or ideas change–
embrace it
⊹ Editing is always an option

2. No time to write /
Setting aside time for you Commit to the time you
to work on writing set for yourself.
(whether 5 minutes or an
hour,) will take away a
lot of your writing stress.

3. It’s overwhelming!
Try breaking your Everyone gets If concerns still
writing up into nervous about their persist, talk with
chunks. Tackling just writing from time to your professor!
the intro paragraph is time. If it’ll help, try
a lot less talking to friends or
intimidating than peers about different
trying to write the stress-relieving
whole paper at once. strategies they use
when writing.

The best way
to build up
confidence in
your writing?
Get in
Discuss which strategies you will
use or have used
Brainstorm some other ways you can
build up confidence!

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