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Yellowstone National Park

This park is in the

United States of
America. It is in 
Idaho, Wyoming
It was created in 1872.
It's the oldest national
park in the word
The park is home to 67 types of
animals, for example American
bisons, Canadian elks, mountian
goats, bighorns and cougars
The cougar aby
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-a large cat.
-one of the fastest animals on
the word
-up to 80km/h Kliknij, aby dodać tekst

-up to 100kg
-it can live up to13years
-it lives in North America,
South America and Canada
There are about 1100 types of
plants and 7 typesof coniferous
trees. The most popular tree is the
shore pine
Yellowsone National Park is
famous thanks to the cartoon
Yogi Bear. Yogi lived in
name Jellystone comes from
The park is very big. It has
got 8980 km2.
In summer 1989
there was a huge
fire in the park. It
finished six months

-3.6 milion of tourists a year

-the highest geyser in the word 

-there are about 500 geysers in the park

-good place to look at the stars 


Prace wykonał-Robert Kania

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