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- Enterprise resource planning
(ERP) is a platform companies use
to manage and integrate the
What is essential parts of their businesses.
Many ERP software applications
are critical to companies because
they help them implement
Planning? resource planning by integrating
all the processes needed to run
their companies with a single
-It's a company that uses a
distributed computing
environment to manage staff
and satisfy customers
worldwide. Usually, it has a
What is Distributed
Enterprise? scalable hybrid or cloud IT
infrastructure, helping provide
access, real-time data exchange,
and quick response to
- A data warehouse is a large collection of
business data used to help an
organization make decisions. The concept
of the data warehouse has existed since
What is the the 1980s, when it was developed to help
Organization transition data from merely powering
of the Data operations to fueling decision support
systems that reveal business intelligence.
The large amount of data in data
warehouses comes from different places
such as internal applications such as
marketing, sales, and finance; customer-
facing apps; and external partner systems,
among others.
- A lot of people consider the
customer's response to their call to
action to be the pinnacle in growth
marketing. In reality, however, each
experience in a customer’s decision-
Customer making process influences their
Decisions behavior. To maximize profits,
growth marketing professionals
must pay attention to every stage of
the buying process and understand
what is at the core of their
customers’ behavior.
-The consumer decision-making
process involves five basic steps.
This is the process by which
consumers evaluate making a
Decisions purchasing decision. The 5 steps
About Customers are problem recognition,
information search, alternatives
evaluation, purchase decision
and post-purchase evaluation.
- Business intelligence combines business
analytics, data mining, data visualization,
data tools and infrastructure, and best
practices to help organizations make
more data-driven decisions.
Business - Financial information is data about the
Intelligence and monetary transactions of a person or
Financial business. This information is use to
derive estimates of credit risk by
Information creditors and lenders. Examples of
financial information are credit card
numbers, credit ratings by third party
credit analysis firms, financial statements
, and payment histories.
-A statement of affairs (SOFA)
is a structured document
which provides important
The Current information on the assets
State of and liabilities a company has
Affairs at a given moment in time
and any other relevant
information pertinent to its
financial situation.
- Customer relationship
management (CRM) is the
combination of practices,
strategies and technologies that
Customer companies use to manage and
Relationship analyze customer interactions and
data throughout the 
customer lifecycle. The goal is to
improve customer service
relationships and assist in 
customer retention and drive sales
- Customer relationship management (CRM) is
the combination of practices, strategies and
technologies that companies use to manage
and analyze customer interactions and data
throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is
to improve customer service relationships and
CRM, ERP, assist in customer retention and drive sales
and Business growth.
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a
platform companies use to manage and
integrate the essential parts of their
businesses. Many ERP software applications are
critical to companies because they help them
implement resource planning by integrating all
the processes needed to run their companies
with a single system.
- Business intelligence combines
business analytics, data mining, 
CRM, ERP, data visualization, data tools and
and Business infrastructure, and best practices to
Intelligence help organizations make more data-
driven decisions.

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