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Meaning of

Salvation History
and its Relevance
to Contemporary
By: Alberto Nicko R. Mateo VI
 To know the meaning of Salvation
 To understand the importance of
Salvation History in our life
 To enrich the Christian Spirituality
What is Salvation History?
It is the account of how God save us
from our sinful state. (Where it
shows how loving is God and how
unfaith are we)
A plan from the very beginning – it is not
foresighted plan but a consequential
Old Testament – salvation history is not
limited to and end in old testament. It
ravels even in our present time.
Belief – it is not scientifically but faith
and moral standards.
How it affects our lives?
Thus it show how our Christian faith
had been stablished
 Sense of Direction as Christian
 Think and speak as Christian
 Act and react as Christian
 Your relationship to God
 To know the meaning of Salvation
 To understand the importance of
Salvation History in our life
 To enrich the Christian Spirituality

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