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Philosophy of Science in Nursing; Literature Review

Ismuntania1, Azhar Mu’alim
Nursing science study program, STIKes Medika Nurul Islam, Sigli,
Nursing science study program, STIKes Medika Nurul Islam, Sigli,
Coresponding author:

Philosophy Nursing science ???


How it works:

1 Currently, the development of philosophy is far more

advanced in various fields which of course have an
important role in aspects of life

2 The philosophy of science in health is constantly

developing, especially in the field of knowledge.
Philosophy is one of the compulsory subjects
taught at the level of education ranging from
undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels.

3 Philosophy in Science 2000 also contains its components,

namely ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The
philosophy found on wisdom in thinking will be useful in
science and practice

4 The purpose of this research is to see the

importance of philosophy in Sciene.
Materials and method

The research method used is a systematic review method

using meta-analysis. The author reviews articles published
between 2017-2020. The articles come from credible
databases such as PubMed, Wiley Online Library, ProQuest,
and others. The author searches articles based on the
keyword "philosophy of science in nursing". In the early
stages, the author found 210 articles, but as many as 186
articles were published under 2017 and the article was not
continued further. After that, the remaining 24 articles were
re-analyzed whether the text was complete or just an
abstract. 7 articles only contained abstracts and the
remaining articles with full text. From the rest of the
articles, the authors looked at the most relevant content, and
finally, the remaining 17 articles were analyzed to obtain the
necessary data.

Step by step of literature review
Records were identified based on
literature searches of PubMed, Wiley
Online Library, ProQuest database(n = 210)

2 The remaining articles were re-

analyzed was complete (n = 24)

3 Articles were published

under 2017 (n =186)

4 Articles are selected based the

most relevant content (n=17)

5 Articles only contained

abstracts (n =7)

Nursing can be described as a philosophical Philosophical assumptions from some theorists often
activity, and, consequently, it is an important type of question the relationship between theory and science,

“theory” for nursing practice and the discipline of socio-culture and the context of the development of the

nursing in general (Rega et al., 2017). Nursing is a idea. Over time, the understanding of the philosophy of
positivism is growing among nursing experts. The move
complex discipline and requires people who can apply
from positivism philosophy makes nursing science and
various forms of knowledge to guide nursing practice.
theory easier to use in clinical nursing practice until the
Nursing practice is a scientific activity that relies on
21st century. The introduction of positivism is the
objective, empirical, and analytical explanations of
phenomena and facts that can be observed and from
phenomena. In this case, justification and proof of
which knowledge comes. Positivism is a general
the truth of the world of nursing need to be studied
orientation that the world sees as an observable entity,
in depth through philosophical thinking so that the with demonstrated regularities and general laws whose
truth is truly real and cannot be denied. measurements and calculations can be verified

In essence, nursing is a science that seems to be at The result of this journal review activity was the
a crossroads that requires finding ways to balance the discovery of as many as 20 articles that focused on
development of philosophical and conceptual, and discussing the presence of philosophy in the
theoretical knowledge with empirical investigation. development of the world of nursing. All ideas are
Setting direction for domain-driven nursing knowledge
presented with a diplomatic view based on realistic
development. The central role of nursing theory in
and rational thinking. All descriptions and reviews are
achieving the common goals of nursing can be created. In
presented in a form that fully appreciates the
the present and in the future, it is recommended to the
existence of nursing science which is so essential in
group of great theories, middle-class theories, and
human life. In analyzing it, the author gets
practical theories to work hand in hand for the sake of
humanist goals within the limits of the essential glory for extraordinary experience regarding review activities

human welfare. All teaching media in nursing begin with a that can add insight into the true position of nursing
common goal and explain the nursing theory as a and dignity. This review activity has been carried out
contribution to a very noble cause. The presence of a by the author for approximately the last three weeks.
theory-practice alliance is very important in filling the All articles analyzed actually continue to add to the
domain-based knowledge created and integrating it with author's knowledge which will be useful for writers in
the basic sciences in the form of practice developing nursing science.

The discussion that can be carried out through

article review activities regarding the importance of
philosophy in nursing science for the development of
nursing science it self is the need for time and ability
in terms of broader insight so that the reviews
carried out are better.

2 The author finds various articles that are reviewed

in-depth and there are also articles that are
reviewed by relying on a certain point of view.

3 This is a challenge for the author that in the future

the author's ability to analyze articles is expected to
be better and this will certainly have a good impact
on the life of the author.

Conclusions are made short with no numbering,

conclusions simply answer the objectives or
hypotheses in the study. Conclusions are written
critically, meticulously, logically, and honestly on the
basis of the facts obtained. There should be no more
discussion in conclusions and consist of only one
paragraph. If there is any suggestion in the conclusion,
then the suggestion becomes one with the conclusion
(no need to create a new sub-chapter) by simply
creating a new paragraph after the conclusion
paragraph. Suggestions should be in accordance with
the research implications and not ridiculous
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ig : @ismuntania
Wa : + 62 852 7027 3417

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