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What is value art?

Value art is the lightness
or darkness of a color.
it is the one of the
elements of art that
dictates low light or
dark a color appears.
Why value art
so important?
Value art is essentially how light or
dark something is on scale of white to
black (with white is being highest value
and black is being the lowest value.)
Example of value scale
It is widely considered to be one of the
most important variables to success of a
What is the purpose
of value in art?
Value becomes an important elements in
art,adding a different kind of value to
any types of creates value
effects like highlight and shading which
provide more depth and three
dimensionality to artwork like painting
or drawing.
For example:

If you took a black and

white photograph of
your painting,the shades
of grey would be the
different values or tones
within the painting
Types of value in art
here are some different Value in art
interact with each other to create
difference effects that can change
the mood or depth of your painting.
1. HIGH KEY: high key colors contain
the most white and are one the palest
end of the gradient scale.

2. LOW KEY: low key colors contain

the most black and are on the darker
end of the gradient scale.
1. HIGH CONTRAST: when two colors
have opposite value,such as very dark and
very light blue.they are considered high
2. LOW CONTRAST:when to colors have
value that are only slightly different from
one another they are considered low
Thank you for
listening ❤️

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