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Corazon Aquino was married to Senator Benigno Aquino Jr.

who was one of the most prominent critics of President Marcos.
After the assassination of her husband on August 21, 1983, she
emerged as leader of the opposition against the president. In late
1985, Marcos called for a snap election, and Aquino ran for
president with former Senator Salvador Laurel as her running
mate for vice president. After the election held on February 7,
1986, the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos and his
running mate Arturo Tolentino as the winners, which prompted
allegations of electoral fraud and Aquino's call for massive civil
disobedience actions. Subsequently, the People Power
Revolution, a non-violent mass demonstration movement, took
place from February 22 to 25. The People Power Revolution,
along with defections from the Armed Forces of the Philippines
and support from the Philippine Catholic Church, successfully
ousted Marcos and secured Aquino's accession to the presidency
on February 25, 1986. Prior to her election as president, Aquino
had not held any elected office. She was the first female

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