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Acoiding Plagiarism

Presented by Rupam
Part 1

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Why is it important to
avoid plagiarism?

 You could lose your position

 Your professional reputation suffers
 You could be asked to pay penalty
 You could be barred from writing a paper
for next 1 year
 The original writer could sue you
 You may fail the course
Some Tools to Check
1. Grammarly
2. Copyscape
3. Turnitin
5. Unplag
6. Plagscan
Places where we tend to
commit plagiarism

 Blogs
 Research Papers
 Online/Offline Articles
 Books
 College Assignments
General Healthy

1. Do not rush.
2. Always run plagiarism checker after writing a page or two.
3. Sit with a pen and paper in your hands before starting your research.
4. Avoid the urge to over use quotation marks.
5. Practice having a unique writing style.
6. Research thoroughly. Use a wide range of resources to understand the topic deeply.

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