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Supervised by: Dr/Mohsen AL-Hamzi
Done by: Nawaf Alshameri
Abed Ali
Ahmed Alknani
Every dentist needs
to develop a clear picture
of what a stable maintainably healthy
masticatory system looks like…
not just teeth, but all parts of the system

the key to both diagnosis and treatment

recommendations will be directly related
to the implications of not treating that
disorder in a timely manner
Those implications can be
into three types:

1. Immediate implications

2. Deferrable implication

3. Implications for optional treatment

Immediate implications
If disorders in this category are not treated as priority, the implication is that delaying
treatment will result in a greater, more complex problem, or an increase of pain, or will
require more extensive, more complicated, or more expensive solutions with a possibility
.that delayed treatment result will not be as good as what could be achieved with immediate Attention

Deferrable implication
These consist of problems that will need to be treated but could be deferred without
causing more complex
problems, and delaying treatment for a reasonable time period would not result in a
less successful treatment
Implications for optional treatment
These are indications for treatment that would be
nice to have but are not problems that will lead to
progressive damage if left untreated

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