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things First
September 4-10, 2022
You shall love the Lord
your God with all your
heart, with all your soul,
and with all your
Deuteronomy 6: 5 (NKJV)
Lesson Objective
We worship God because
He is our Creator, and He
wants to be in a relationship
with us. We are important
to Him, and if He is
important to us, we should
put Him first in everything
we do every day.
Dig Deeper: God is

In the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
The Bible tells us that in
the beginning, God had
a plan, a “divine
blueprint” that was
first established in His
mind and His heart.
Our universe was designed
and created by the Creator
God who purposefully
built a majestic creation
and culminated his
creation with human
beings. We are made in his
image; to be like Him in
character and purpose.
God wants to be in a
relationship with us.
Families today have many
competing commitments.
However, the most
important things to your
family should never be
squeezed out by those
things that matter less.
Make a commitment today
to put family worship in
the schedule first.
Dear God, You are our Creator, and
for this reason we worship You. We
thank You for making us in Your
image and for Your love, mercy, and
grace. Help us to put You first in our
lives and to follow the blueprint in
Your Word. We love You with all our
heart, and soul and strength. In Jesus’
name, amen.
Explore the
uniqueness of
your family
Write it,
draw it,
frame it
Live it daily

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