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Students and teachers challenge!
Topic 1
Physical exercises made with the help of non-
sporting objects

- physical exercises made with the help of non-sporting

objects, which replace the usual sports materials;
- safely use household items;
- the workspace must be adequate and the equipment
required (footwear, clothing);
- 3 examples of objects;
- 3 examples of exercises;
- video recording should be maximum 1min or
document word/powerpoint
Topic 2

We invite you to be active and creative!

•Dance is a form of energy release, a discharge through art, rhythm, feelings. It
is also known that dancing can contribute to weight loss, but there are many
other benefits that cannot be achieved with other types of exercise.
• You don't need expensive equipment to dance. The easiest solution is to play
your favorite music and move around the living room.
• Dancing brings harmony to the body. The wide variety of movements can be
a good thing for the body, because repetitive movements and monotony are
• Dancing is fun. "If exercise isn't a fun activity…. dancing is just fun."
•  Sports dance (Latin, standard), aerobics, modern dance(disco), traditional
dance, zumba, ballet, streetdance , contemporary dance etc.
• video max.30seconds.
Topic 3
Physical exercises for development of the muscles
of the arms

- minimum 4 exercises for arms;

- 6-8 repetitions each exercise;

- you can use sports materials;

- video recording should be maximum 1min or

document word/powerpoint
Topic 4

• choose the exercises/ sport you do most often and that

you like the most !
• minimum 8 exercises/6 times each – or describe the
• video or word doc/ppt
Topic 5.
Physical exercises for development of the muscles of the
 minimum 4 exercises;

 6-8 repetitions each exercise;

  you can use sports materials;

  video recording should be maximum 1min or

document word/powerpoint.
Topic 6
Physical exercises to develop the muscles of the

• minimum 4 exercises for abdomen ;

• 4-6 repetitions each exercise;
• you can use sports materials;
• video recording should be maximum 1min;
• perform heating exercises / preparing the body for the effort;
• adequate sports equipment;
• choose exercises adapted to your motor potential and
available space;
Topic 7.
Physical exercises to develop the muscles of the

• minimum 2 exercises for back;

• 4-6 repetitions each exercise;
• you can use sports materials;
• video recording should be maximum 1min;
• perform heating exercises / preparing the body for the effort;
• adequate sports equipment;
• choose exercises adapted to your motor potential and
available space;
 Incorporating regular stretching exercises into your routine can
help prevent injury and keep you performing at your best. Easy
stretches can even help those who don’t workout: Don’t
consider them a real workout, but instead think about stretching
regularly as a passive form of stress relief, like taking a bath or
getting a massage.
 Stretching is an important part of fitness: It can improve your
range of motion, increase circulation, and calm your mind—
which may help fend off injuries and illness, as well as bring on
a better night’s sleep.
 Minimum 5 examples; video or document
Adapt the exercise you want to
perform to your available
space and your real potential
(motric and knowledge of
physical effort)!

str. Universității nr. 16,

700115, Iași, România

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