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Learning Objectives:

✔Explain how populations of organisms have

changed and continue to change over time
showing patterns of descent with modification
from common ancestors to produce the
organismal diversity observed today.

✔Describe how the present system of

classification of organisms is based on
evolutionary relationships.
is a change in the genetic makeup
(and often, the heritable features)
of a population over time
1. Macroevolution
2. Microevolution
George-Louis Leclerc

• He hypothesized
that those
species changed
as time passed.
• He thought that life is
not fixed, that when
the environment
changed , the
organisms in that
environment had to
change their behavior
to adapt to the
environment and
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-
Charles Darwin

• He theorized that all

species descended
from a common
ancestor over time.

• On the Origin of
Species by means of
Natural Selection.
• He states that Earth
was shaped by the
same processes
that are still in
operation today.

• Principles of

Charles Lyell (1797- 1875)

Natural Selection
• is the process through which populations
of living organisms adapt and change.

Survival of the Fittest

• struggle of every organism for its existence
is one of the key.
• An organism successfully survives and
becomes healthy in its environment ,
then it has more chance to reproduce.

• Refers to acquired traits
from the parent that
increases the chance of
survival of an organism
in an environment.
The theory of evolution by natural
selection requires three
2.Differential Reproduction
Artificial Selection

• A process where people select which

organisms may be reproduced instead
of nature taking its course.
Directional Selection
• Is a mode of natural selection tat
extremely favors specific traits that
shifts allele frequency over time in the
direction of the favored traits.
Domesticated Breeds
• animals that have been selectively
bred and genetically adapted over
generations to live alongside humans.
Agricultural Selection
• genetics is the applied study of the
effects of genetic variation
and selection used to propagate
valuable heritable trait combinations in
crop plants and farm animals
Investigational Selection
• is an artificial selection which is a
result of an investigative process.
What I have learned so far?
1.How did Darwin formulate his theory of
2.What is the difference between natural
selection and artificial selection?
3.Which is more advantageous: natural
selection or artificial selection?
Fossil Records
• Traces of long dead animals
Plate Tectonics
Homologous Structures

• anatomically similar, different functions

• Divergent evolution = similar origins

• they are body parts of species that have

similar features, indicating a common
ancestor or same developmental origin.
Analogous Structures

• anatomically different, similar functions

• Convergent evolution

• are structures that are similar in unrelated

organisms. The structures are similar
because they evolved to do the same job,
not because they were inherited from a
common ancestor.
Vestigial Structures

• features present in modern animals

that are no longer in use
• give hints as to the evolution of
Ex. human tailbone, whale pelvis,
Phylogenetic Trees

• show the relationships among groups of

biological species based on their similarities
and differences in their physical or genetic
Relative Genomics

• Refers to the genetic materials of an
organism consisting of the DNA and
• It can be likened to a manual in
building and maintaining an organism.

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