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5 Non- Factual
ANGELLIKA (2105111930)
8.5 Non- Factual Clauses

● Non factual express a weak commitmet of the speaker

has no enough evidence, consequently the speaker
gives a different hypothesis about the states of affairs
● Factual express a strength commitmet to the true

● Ex : - i insist that Ronald work hard ( non factual

-i insist that Ronald works hard ( factual clause)
8.5 Non- Factual Clauses

The factual clause

can have various
modification of the
verb, however the
non-factual clause
has no such
Verbal nouns
A verbal noun is a noun that comes from
or is formed from a verb.
Example : The sacking of the city was an
epochal event.

—Someone Famous
Verbal noun

A verbal noun is 2. By adding

formed in two suffixes
ways Ex : accept +
1. By adding ance =
Ex: love +ing + acceptance

1. Full statement clause 2. Full Question clause 3. non-factual clause

(with Overt subject) (with Overt subject) (with overt subject)

Example : they know Example : I don’t Example : i demand

(that) i opened the know who she is. that your bill
door. (should) be paid
● Ex : the ladies
expect him to won
the competition.
infinitive clause ● They excused
my opening of
Tacit subject
the letter. (Tacit
● I intended to open
subject )
the letter. (Overt
● I defended the
Verbal nouns opening of the
letter. ( Overt
● Overt subject : they
excused me opening
of the letter.
● Tacit subject : i denied gerund clauses
opening the letter.
8.7 comparing types of clauses
Different kinds of clauses can present different kinds of meanings, but this
is obvious only when the same predicate can be accompanied by different
kinds of clauses. The verb agree, for instance, can be followed by an
infinitive clause and a full clause.

● 47a we agreed to meet again the next day.

● 48b we agreed that we would meet again the next day.
● 49c we agreed that prices are too high nowadays.
The verb agree followed by an infinitive clause indicates a commitment, on the part of
subject, to do something.

47a we agreed to meet again the next day.

 is about “our” commitment to meet the next day. There is not much
difference between
This is all that can be expressed by the infinitive clause after agree. 47a and 47b

47b we agreed that we would meet again the next day.

 A full clause can express all kinds of fact and possible facts,
including commitments on the part of the subject

47c we agreed that prices are too high nowadays.

 is not about a commitment but about knowledge or a beliefe that
“we” hold in common

Some other verbs that can take a full clause or an infinitive clause are:
Decide, Expect, Hope, Resolve
48a we convinced Herman to throw away his smelly
old pipe.
Unlike agree, convince is followed by an
infinitive clause with overt subject: 48b we convinced Herman that he should throw
we convince another person to do away his smelly old pipe
something that is, we use language
successfully with another person, causing 48c we convinced Herman that he didn’t know what
him or her to do something. We can also use
language successfully with somebody
he was talking about.
causing him or her to accept the truth or
validity of some statement. That is what the full clause expresses (48b, c ). Note that 48a
implies that Herman threw away his pipe, but 48b goes only
as far as his accepting that this is the right action.

The verb remind is syntactically like convince. If you replace convinced with reminded in 48a-c,
you will find that the infinitive clause and full statement clause have the same senses, the same relation to
each other. Of course remind is semantically different from convince through it shares the sense of using
language successfully with another person. How do the two verbs differ?
Gerund clause and full clause

● 49a your son admitted breaking our window

● 49b your son admitted that he broke our window
● 49c your son admitted that this ball is his.

The verb admit, as used here, indicates a use of language, generally in response to
someone’s question or accuration.

Admit plus an infinitive clause donates the use of language about an action
performed by the subject.

The full clause can express the same action- 49b is essentially the same as 49 a- but
can express the same action – 49b is essentially the same as 49a – but it can express
any putative fact. As in 49c similar verb: confess, consider, deny, imagine, regret,
Infinitive and gerund clauses

● 50a the museum wouldn’t allow us to photograph the exhibit.

● 50b the museum wouldn’t allow photographing the exhibit.

With allow and the verb listed below the with allow and the verbs listed below the
infinitive is used when there is an overt subject for the verb in the included clause,
here photograph : there must be a subject – it has to be stated who is or is not
allowed to photograph.

The gerund clause is used to avoid mentioning the specific person(s) allowed or not
allowed or not photograph the exhibit; the statement applies to all people.
8.8 syntactic ambiguity

Sentences may also contains ambiguities, different from the lexical ambiguity
and referential ambiguity treated in chapter 3 and 4.

Syntactic ambiguity may be in the surface structure of a sentence : words can

cluster together in different possible constructions.

Syntactic ambiguity may also be in the deep structure :

one sequence of words may have more than one interpretation, generally
because the rules of sentences construction allow ellipsis, the deletion of what
is understood.
Examples of surface ambiguity :

(a.) Constructions containing the coordinators and and or

● 51 john and Mary or pat will go
● 52 we’ll have bacon or sausage and eggs.
([john] and [mary or pat] [john and mary] or [pat]; [bacon] or [sausage and
eggs] [ bacon or sausage ] and [eggs])

(b.) A coordinate head with one modifier :

● 53 the only people left were old men and women.
● 54 the postman left a letter and a package for ellen
([old men] and [women] ol [men and women] ; [a letter] and [ a package for
ellen] [ aletter and a package] for ellen)

(c.) a head with a coordinate modifier :

● 55 your essay should contain four or five hundred words.
There is a worthwhile observation to make
regarding ambiguity. Aprofessional
student of language can find - or invent -
numerous instances of ambiguous
Can you sentence with two
sentences. that give
(approximately) thes me
meanings without ambiguity?
(a).Growing flowers can be very interesting re (f) You didn't help Charlie as much as Chester.
(b).We heard her reports (g) Judith is specializing in modern language
(c ).I didn't finish that job for lack of time." teaching.
(d) Susie wanted to try on the dress in the shop (h) Nelson lies to his wife, and so does Nathaniel.
window. (i) We found the new secretary entertaining."
(c) Terry is the person we wanted to hunt. (j)I'm going to tell everybody that I know. .
(e) Terry is the person we wanted to hunt.
56. The sick pet was taken to a small animal 59. The tennis courts are open to members
hospital. (small) (animal hospital]. Ismall
only on Thursdays.
animal] [hospital])
(e) A complement and modifier or two 60. I'd like to find ten more interesting
complements: Joe bought the book for Susan. articles.
61. They didn't leave because they were
57. Joe bought the book for susan
angry. ([members only] or [only on
58 The tourists objected to the guide that they
Thursdays): [ten more] [interesting
couldn't hear. ([bought] [the book for Susan].
articles] or [ten] [more interesting
articles): [didn't leave) [because...] or
[didn't) (leave because...])
63.The chicken is too hot to eat. (Too
hot to eat anything' or 'too hot for
62.Overtaking cars on the anybody to cat it")
main road can be (c) Ellipsis in comparative
dangerous. ("Overtaking constructions:
cars is dangerous' or 'Cars
overtaking are dangerous')
(b) Adjective + infinitive,
tied to subject or to
complement: 64. I like Mary better than
Joan. ('Better than I like Joan'
or 'better than Joan likes

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