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The Eight Parts of

1. Noun
You can click on each part of
2. Pronoun speech for a definition and
example. However, this is not
3. Adjective required as you will come to
each page as you progress
4. Verb through the PowerPoint.

5. Adverb
6. Conjunction
7. Preposition
8. Interjection
 A noun is a person, place, The bakery has
thing, or idea. fresh baked

Kylie is a pro-golfer.

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Eight Parts Love is a
of Speech
The dog was thing.
lonely for me.
Move on
Grammar Rocks Noun Video
In the following sentence, which words
are nouns?
Caleb loves to play Nintendo DS.
a. loves
b. play
c. Caleb and Nintendo DS
No, that is not correct. Remember a
noun is a person, place, thing, or
idea. Please try again!

Go back
to Slide 5
Great job! Caleb and Nintendo are
the nouns in this sentence. Caleb is a
person and Nintendo DS is a thing.

Move on
8 Types of Nouns
 Common Noun- A noun that does not name a specific person,
place or thing.


 Proper Noun- A noun that names a specific person,

place or thing.

Move on
New York City
 In the following sentence, what is the
common noun?
Shaun cut the grass.
a. Shaun
b. cut
c. grass
No, Shaun is a proper noun because it
names a specific person. The word cut is
verb because it tells what Shaun is doing.
Try again- What is the common noun?

Go back to
slide 10
Yes! You are really getting the hang of
this. Grass is the common noun in this
sentence because it is a thing but is not

Move on
 West Middle School is a great place to
 Shopping at the Grand Traverse Mall
can be hectic during the holidays.
 I went to Horizon Cinemas to watch the
movie Speed Racer.
 Caleb and Kylie are the best kids in the
 Read 180 has many good books to choose
from. Move on
 Now let’s try proper nouns. Remember
they name a specific person, place, or
thing. What is the proper noun in this
He walked across the Mackinaw Bridge.
a. he
b. Mackinaw Bridge
c. walked
Oops! He is not the proper noun because
“he” can be referring to anyone, not
someone specific. Walked is the verb of
the sentence. It tells what he is doing.
Go back and try finding the proper noun.
Look at the other examples if needed.

Go back to
slide 14
Excellent! Mackinaw Bridge is the proper
noun! It names a specific place.

Move on
Common and Proper Nouns
 A common noun names any person, place, thing
or idea.
 Examples:
My book is on the table.
Tamika went to school early this morning.

 A proper noun names a specific person, place,

thing or idea.
 Examples:
My book, Long Walk to Freedom, is on the table.
Tamika goes to Oglethorpe Elementary.
Singular and Plural Nouns
 A singular noun names one person, place, thing
or idea.
 Examples:
My pencil is broken.
May I borrow a piece of paper?

 A plural noun names more than one person,

place, thing or idea.
 Examples:
My pencils are broken.
My papers are scattered around the floor.
Possessive Nouns
 A possessive noun shows ownership. It
uses an apostrophe (‘) or an apostrophe
plus an –s on the end.
 Examples:

The boys’ basketball team is walking down

the hall.
I borrowed my sister’s shirt.
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
 A concrete noun names a material thing, person,
or place. It is something that can be physically
 Examples:
A parade began at 7 o’clock to celebrate
the Fourth of July.

 An abstract noun names ideas, feelings, or

qualities. They cannot be physically touched.
 Examples:
Lynn wept in sorrow over the loss of her dog.
Collective Nouns
 Collective nouns name a group or
collection of people, places, things or
ideas. They are considered one unit and so
they are singular.
 Examples:

The crowd sounds like a herd of elephants.

The staff includes professionals and
The group of students is standing in line.
Let’s Practice

 Read the sentences on the back of your

reference sheet. Pay attention to the
underlined nouns. Circle the type of noun
that is underlined. Be sure to circle all
types that apply.

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