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Powered By Arduino:
Autonomous Germicidal
Disinfection Robot With
Dual Action



Arduino Uno, Adafruit L293D Motor Shield, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, HC-05
Bluetooth Module, 2 Geared Motors, 2 set of wheels, 3 pieces of 9-volt rechargeable
batteries, Caster Wheel, Battery clip to DC male Jack adapter, 16x2 LCD I2C display
module, Jumper Wires, Screws, PVC pipes, PVC Pipe Cap, Zip Ties, Air Ionizer, UV-
C lamp, 2WD Chassis, Mounting Bracket, Male Pin Headers, Soldering Iron, Hot
Glue Gun with Glue Sticks, Lead, Screw Driver, Studs, Sintra Board, Cutter, Pliers,
Markers, Pens, Pencils, Ruler, Masking Tape, and Electrical Tape
One problem is the autonomous movement of the germicidal disinfection robot; it could
be caused by code operations that need to be tweaked or improved to work as intended
precisely enough, or by the sensor's quality. Its quality, calibration, and surroundings can
all have an impact on the ultrasonic sensor's ability to measure distance and identify
obstructions. Another problem we've noted and are aware of is that the LCD module's
(16x2) measurement doesn't display complete words or characters. This problem could be
caused by the code configuration that controls the display module, which may not yet be
configured to display the whole word or characters and needs to be fixed.
Our goal is to make a robot that can neutralize or eradicate
microorganisms. This is the ultimate goal of disinfection and
sterilization in order to stop the spread of illnesses and diseases
that are carried by the air. The likelihood of disease transmission is
decreased with the help of proper disinfection and sterilization.
The prevention and spread of illness depends heavily on surface
disinfection. A safe life is ensured by effective and regular
environmental disinfection.
Expected Outcome:
To be able to create a robot that will make it
easier for people to move around in
environments containing a wide range of bacteria
and viruses, while also lowering the risk of
infection in both spaced areas and surfaces.
Robot Prototype

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