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Pretesting media products

• This technique is suitable for new products
Coping with uncertainty in
predicting audiences 2. Modelling audience behaviour:
• Proprietary models have been develop for
use in analysing and predicting audiences
• The model can predict audience behaviour
based on factors such as weather,
daytime, season,
• Demographic variables can be easily
predicted, e.g Friday and Saturday evening
have more old people watching TV, while
there are more children on Saturday and
Sunday morning.
audiences: the
struggle over
• Do they own the audience? • Can the same strategy be used in
• The above audiences are not owned advertising?
but lured by content • Yes! By creating proprietary audiences
Proprietary vs. owned
•Audiences are proprietary to your company but not owned because it is not
possible to own the audience in a free society- members can exit any time they
•Audiences are proprietary when the right to communicate to them belongs to an
•Instead of pushing messages as done in conventional media, organisations
engage in permission advertising.
•The advertisements are relevant, meaningful and sought after
•Customers active participation increases advertising effectiveness
•New media has enabled
people to: like, subscribe and
follow their favourite brands.
•Similar audiences existed
before the internet but not to
the current magnitude.
•KBC had ‘greeting clubs’,
Lucozade had fans, similar to
Blue Band, but it is easier to
create proprietary audiences
•Every company can build its
own audience via social
media, websites, mobile apps.
•Traditional media- paid,
earned and owned should be
used to build proprietary
• .
• Proprietary audiences are
built upon individual
• In both traditional and
new media, the audience
is not freely available, you
fight for it.
• But proprietary audiences
are different from those
of conventional media
that were available to
many advertisers.
• Some industries are
more audience
centric than others,
e.g. entertainment,
sports and media.
• But all industries gain
from large audiences,
this is the reason for
advertising: to
communicate to
many people.
Disadvantages of conventional audiences
1.Puts advertisers at the
mercy of third parties who
own the media.
2.Controlled by market forces,
demand and supply. The
organisation advertising has
no control over the
3.Pollutes the consumer
environment through
4.Expensive- can only be
reached after paying media
5.Treats customers as masses
Types of
•In hot pursuit of
•Have already decided
to buy and are only
looking for
information to
confirm their
•Initiate contact with
•Look for information
of personal interest.

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