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Q meter :

For many years, the Q meter has been an essential piece of equipment for laboratories engaged in
the testing of radio frequency circuits. In modem laboratories, the Q meter has been largely replaced by
more exotic (and more expensive) impedance measuring devices and today, it is difficult to find a
manufacturer who still makes a Q meter. For the radio amateur, the Q meter is still a very useful piece of
test equipment and the writer has given some thought to how a simple Q meter could be made for the
radio shack. For those who are unfamiliar with this type of instrument, a few introductory notes on the
definition of Q and the measurement of Q, are included.

The Q factor or quality factor of an inductance is commonly expressed as the ratio of its series
reactance to its series resistance. We can also express the Q factor of a capacitance as the ratio of its series
reactance to its series resistance although capacitors are generally specified by the D or dissipation factor
which is the reciprocal of Q.A tuned circuit, at resonance, is considered to have a Q factor. In this case, Q
is equal to the ratio of either the inductive reactance, or the capacitive reactance, to the total series loss
resistance in the tuned circuit. The greater the loss resistance and the lower the Q, the greater the power
lost on each cycle of oscillation in the tuned circuit and hence the greater the power needed to maintain
Another way to derive Q is as follows:

Q = fo/Af where fo is the resonant frequency and f is the 3 dB bandwidth. Sometimes we talk of
loaded Q (such as in transmitter tank circuits) and, in this case, resistance for calculation of Q is the
unloaded tuned circuit series resistance plus the additional loss resistance reflected in series into the
circuit from its coupled load. There are other ways of expressing Q factor. It can be expressed
approximately as the ratio of equivalent shunt resistance to either the inductive or the capacitive
reactance. Series loss resistance can be converted to an equivalent shunt resistance using the following

R(shunt) = R (series). (Q2 + 1)

Finally, Q factor of a resonant circuit is equal to its voltage magnification factor and Q can also
be expressed as the ratio of voltage developed across its reactive elements to the voltage injected in
series with the circuit to produce the developed voltage. To measure Q factor, Q meters make use of this
principle. A basic Q meter is shown in Figure 1. Terminals are provided to connect the inductance (Lx)
to be measured and this is resonated by a variable tuning capacitor (C). Terminals are also provided to
add capacitance (Cx), if required. The tuned circuit is excited from a tunable signal source which
develops voltage across a resistor in series with the tuned circuit. The resistor must have a resistance
small compared to the loss resistance of the components to be measured so that its value can be ignored.
A resistance of a mere fraction of an ohm is necessary. Metering is provided to measure the AC
injection voltage across the series resistor and the AC output voltage across the terminals of the tuning
capacitor. The output measurement must be a high input impedance circuit to prevent loading of the
tuned circuit by the metering circuit.

Basic Q Meter At resonance of Lx and Cx, Q=V2/V1 * Meter V2 is Calibrated to read

voltage referred to that across C.

Q is measured by adjusting the source frequency and/or the tuning capacitor for a peak in
output voltage corresponding to resonance. Q factor is calculated as the ratio of output voltage
measured across the tuned circuit to that injected into it. In practice, the signal source level is
generally set for a calibrate point on the meter which measures injected voltage and Q is directly read
from calibration on the meter which measures output voltage.

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