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Project 1: Protinex

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Branding
Learner Name: <Hetvi Gandhi>
Q1. Based on the details shared in the video, come up with various criteria
based on which Protinex could do segmentation, targeting and positioning.
Additionally, provide your rationale for it. Mention at least three criteria for

(Word Limit: 200 words for your entire answer)

(Note: Only the segmentation part of slide 1 will be graded in this question.)
Answer 1
Segmentation Geographic: Tier 1 & 2 cities of India should be targeted as life in these 2 cities is pretty busy &
people are more concerned about their helath & diet.
Demographic: Consumers with age group between 15-50 male/female both should be primary
consumers, in adults as well as pregnant women with the medium - high disposable income
groups. Females of middle aged with family should be targeted more as the grocery shopping lies
in their hand.
Psychographic: Consumers with health consious beliefs & interests should be focused more on,
as these people can spend more on health related products.
Behavioural: ProtienX should focus more on heavy users of protien consumers, like ftness
oriented, gym enthusiast, sports person, who are ready to buy and can do anything when it comes
to health of themselves as well as their family.

Targeting ProtienX should use UnDifferentiated Targeting strategy as it has poducts for all stages of life,
aging 15-50 yrs of age group, catering to audience who wishes to maintain a healthy lifestyle,
without having compromise on health & taste. Target should be parents for the kids products &
female for adults as grocery buying is done by female members of the family.

Positioning ProtienX should be positioned the brand who provides right amount of nutrition to human body
with all necessary vitamins, minerals & most importantly helps building immune system which can
help individuals to perform their routine tasks, avoids fatigue & tiredness which in turn helps
remaining consumers healthy.
Q2. Based on the information given in the video, how would you plot Protinex on
the perceptual map? Have you seen any shifts in the last few years?

(Word Limit: 120 words)

You can follow these steps:
What parameters can you differentiate on? Mention the 2 most important factors with regards to
HFDs.  These will act as the axes for your perceptual map.
Create a perceptual map for the HFD players in India (You will have to show Protinex
+ competitors in the HFD sector). Add the image of your map in the solution ppt.
Answer 2
Enter your response. You may also draw the perceptual map with pen and paper and add an image of the same. Add the
positions of Protinex and its competitors.
Perceptual Map HFD
High Cost

Low Nutrition High Nutrition



Low Cost
Q3. Drawing insights from what you saw in the video, devise a positioning
statement for Protinex.

(Word Limit: 120 words) 

As a recap, the  framework of a positioning statement is given below:
‘For [target market], Protinex is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits, unique value
claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 3

Enter your response

For all the stages of life starting from 15-50 yrs, Protienx is rich protien-rich nutritional food drink, that can complete your protien
deficiency - which is not available in Indian meals and helps boost your immunity, perform all your taks, reduces fatigue &
tiredness as well. Because it caters all the requirements of the body, it is the best nutritional health food drink
prescribed/recommended by doctors.
Q4. Build your marketing mix to help Protinex shift from a prescription-based
brand, to an everyday nutrition brand. You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these.

As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion — are distinct factors that
marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or service and market it to a
defined audience. 
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 4
Product: ProtienX comes in Original, Tasty Chocolate & Vanilla Flavours and also a is available without sugar. It also has a diabitic
care range. ProtienX has all the necessary nutrients to build high immune systems and it is protien rich supplement for all stages of

Price: Price of the ProtienX should range between Rs.500 - 650/- so that when compared with compitition brand consumers do
find it much expensive. In India many regions are price sensitive, hence taking that into consideration, ProtienX should launch
small packs with low price just like the few competition brands does by introducing sachets at say Rs. 2 - 4/-.

Place: Today is world of e-commerce, hence all the products should be available on all marketplaces like amazon, flipkart, grofers,
big basket etc.. Also, it should be available on all pharma websites as well without asking for prescription for easy purchase.
Aditionally, when we talk about offline channels, it should be available on shelves of all supermarkets and few mom & pop stores,
where conumer’s income disposability is medium-high range.

Promotion: It should be promoted on digital channels where most of the middle aged population visits. Also, being a leading brand
ProtienX should bring popular celebrities on board to promote the brand directly to consumers and educate consumers about
importance of protien in their daily diet, which will give an emotional connect to the consumers & encourages them to buy the
product. Sponsorship of different or local sports events can also be used to promote the product, so that ProtienX as a brand will
be at the top of the mind of the consumers and thus triggers them to buy the same.
Q5. Now that you have finalised the marketing mix for Protinex, you have to create
a digital marketing go-to strategy. You can use the digital marketing framework you
learnt in DM Channels and Metrics module. You will have to identify the digital
content, digital devices, digital channels, and digital metrics to track for Protinex,
with the rationale behind each.
Answer 5
Digital Content: The content should be built around the healthy diet, as to how one can include protien in their daily meals along
with the PortienX. Helath benifits communicatating how important it is if protien rich food is included in daily meals. For people
especially who are fitness geek, sports person etc., should be addressed as these are the audience who search for fitness related
stuff on soacial meadia platforms. there should be contests run around physical fitness. As ProtienX is mostly prescribed by
doctors, we should have doctors coming of board to tell health benifits of having ProtienX as well as including protien rich food in

Digital Devices: As in current senario, the most used device is mobile phones/smart phones, all the campaigns should be mobile
friendly. With chnaging times consumers needs everthing to be just 1 click away let it be information about products, brand etc.,
for them to make any purchase or read any article related to the brand or product.

Digital Channels: Organic Social Media Ads - as social media is the most used platforms across all age group which will give high
visibility of brand and in turn will lead to more lead generations for buying pducts. Display/banner Ads which should have images
of the products or video around protien rich diet as well as how important is protien is for all stages of life so that you will have
good immunity and not miss out on any moments with your loved ones. Content Marketing can also be used as a channel to gain
more customers.

Digital Metrics: Performance Metrics should be used to measure the performance of the content or advertisement that we have
published to know how much you are successful in enticing your users as well as how much the action induced is costing us. We
can also measure the conversion rate through the advertisements that we had published on various platforms.

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