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Muras Baiyshev
Unit 25
Due 14.10.2022
Teacher: Mercy Gichuhi

Marketing Mix is the collection of activities, or methods, that a

business employs to sell its brand or merchandise. A typical marketing
mix is comprised of the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place.
(Techtarget, n.d)

Product is any good or service companies offer to satisfy a customer's

need or desire There are both real and virtual ones. (Aha, 2019)

Price is the sum of money required to purchase a specific good. Price

is also a measure of value insofar as it reflects what consumers are
willing to pay for a product's value. (Merriam, 2019)

The location of economic activity and their motivations are discussed

in location theory.
Promotion - All of the activities that inform consumers about a
product, brand, or service are referred to as promotions.
(ByJus, n.d)

People - play the key factor in all the businesses in the world.
Because they act as consumers and they buy goods and
services from companies. With their help, businesses get profit

Physical - One of the three components of production Physical

capital is made up of physical, man-made items that businesses
invest in or purchase and employ to manufacture things.

Process - Everything that is done in the course of producing

and selling goods and services.
The impact of relationship marketing on the marketing mix of Samsung

The impact of relationship marketing is huge on the marketing

mix of Samsung. This type of relationship helps the company
to attract more customers by building a good relationship with
them.People receive a huge range of services and products of
the highest quality. In addition, the company is trying to make
discounts, promotions, as well as be as polite as possible with
their customers. This brings Samsung a lot of buyers, therefore
increasing the profit. Relationship marketing also allows a
company to lower the price of some of the products and
services they provide in order to improve relationships with
their customers. From this, both remain to the benefit. The
company gets a higher rating and customers a lower price

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