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Microbiological Treatment of

liquid sources
Liquid Waste.
• Liquid waste is defined as any waste in liquid
• The term wastewater is referred to the water
which is discarded after primary use, or which
is worthless, defective and of no use.
Liquid Waste.
• Contaminated wastewater is the cause of any
number of serious environmental problems.

• Biological methods for wastewater treatment

were developed during the middle of the 20th
century, as attention focussed on the effects
of oxygen-consuming organisms on lakes,
rivers and seas.
• In urban areas, the liquid wastes from
residential areas are often referred to as
domestic wastewaters.
These wastewaters come from our day-to-day
living and include those from food
preparation, washing, bathing and toilet
• Blackwater is wastewater that contains
human excreta (feces and/or urine).
• Greywater is wastewater from activities such
as washing and food preparation and does not
contain excreta. Sullage is another name for
• Blackwater and greywater are produced from
domestic dwellings with access to a piped
water supply and also from business premises
and the various institutions, such as schools
and health centres, found in residential areas.
The term sewage is used to describe a
combination of all these types of liquid waste,
frequently also with surface run-off.
• Sewage is collected in underground sewers that
carry the effluents to a sewage treatment plant.
• Then is cleaned by various physical and
biological processes before being discharged
into a river or lake. It may be possible to reuse
the treated water, typically for irrigation. 
• Commercial areas: comprising business
establishments, shops, open market places,
restaurants and cafes – will mostly resemble
wastewaters from households.
• This is because only human-related activities
are undertaken in such areas, as opposed to
other activities such as industrial production.
Effluent from restaurants and cafes contain
high levels of cooking oil this can be overcome
by using a grease trap.
• A grease trap consists of a small tank or
chamber which slows the speed of effluent
flow. In the grease trap, fats, oils and grease
float to the top of the wastewater and form a
layer of scum that is contained within the
tank. This can then be removed and disposed
of as solid waste. Relatively clean water exits
from the grease trap for disposal.
• liquid wastes are generated by processing or
manufacturing industries and service
industries, such as car repair shops. The type
of industry determines the composition of the
• The wastewaters from facilities that make
food products will not be harmful to humans,
but those from other industries may contain a
variety of chemical compounds, some of
which may be hazardous (and therefore
potentially harmful).
• Industrial wastewaters which contain hazardous
substances must be treated, and the substances
removed before the wastewater is discharged
to the environment.

• Another difference is that the flow rate can vary

dramatically in some industries, for example,
where production rates vary with the season,
such as in the processing of certain food crops.
• Stormwater can be contaminated with many
different types of pollutant such as faecal
matter, soil, rubber from vehicle tire wear,
litter, and oil from vehicles. 
• Stormwater may be channelled into the
sewers, or it may flow into open ditches.
• Liquid wastes can be described according to
their physical, chemical, and biological
• May contain particles of solid material carried
along in the flow. These may be settleable
solids or suspended solids.
Settleable solids
• They sink to the bottom (settle out) when the
speed of flow is reduced, for example, when
the wastewater is stored in a tank.
Suspended solids 
• Are small particles that
remain in suspension in
the water; they do not
dissolve in the
wastewater but are
carried along in it. 
• Wastewaters are generally warmer than the
ambient temperature.
• Warm or hot water may be included in the
waste stream from domestic activities such as
showering or from industrial processing.
• Wastewaters can have an odour, usually due to
generation of gases as a result of biodegradation
in the wastewater. 
• Organic matter is any substance that is derived
from living organisms, such as human and animal
wastes, food waste, paper and agricultural wastes.
• Detecting odour tends to be a subjective process
but it is possible to measure it in terms of odour
Chemical characteristics
• Wastewaters from many different sources
contain organic matter, which is a frequent
cause of pollution in surface waters.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
• If organic matter is released into a river or
lake, bacteria and other micro-organisms that
are naturally present in fresh water will
degrade the waste and in the process they use
dissolved oxygen from the water. If there is a
lot of organic matter, then most or all of the
dissolved oxygen may be used up, thus
depriving other life forms in the water of this
essential element.
• The oxygen taken up in degrading the organic
matter is referred to as its oxygen demand.
• This can be determined by a measure called
the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). BOD
tests are carried out in a laboratory and involve
measuring the amount of oxygen used, usually
over a period of five days, as the organic
matter in the wastewater breaks down. The
result is expressed in mg/l.
Chemical Oxygen Demand
• There is also a chemical method of determining the
quantity of organic matter called the chemical oxygen
demand (COD) test.
• This test is much quicker than the BOD test, taking only
about two hours to carry out. It depends on chemical
oxidation of the organic matter rather than biological
degradation. It involves boiling a sample of wastewater
with a mixture of concentrated acids and a measured
quantity of oxidising agent to oxidise the organic
Inorganic material
• Wastewater also contains inorganic chemicals.
• This means any substance that has not come
from animals or plants, so it includes a wide
range of different chemicals as well as inert
solids like sand and silt. 
Inorganic material
• Many inorganic chemicals are dissolved in the
water and although some are harmless,
others are pollutants that can damage
aquatic life such as fish and other organisms
that live in water. One example is ammonia
(NH3) which is present in human and animal
excreta. Like organic matter, ammonia is
broken down in the environment by natural
Inorganic material
Chemical Oxygen Demand
• Represents the quantity of oxygen required to
chemicaly stabilise the carbonaceous organic
matter. Uses Strong oxidising agents under
acidic conditions. The test generates results in
two hours.
• Nitrogen
• Phosphorus
• pH
• Alkalinity
• Chlorides
• Oils and Greases
• Includes organic Nitrogen, Ammonia, Nitrite
and Nitrate. It is an essential nutrient for
microorganisms growth in biological
wastewater treatment. Organic nitrogen and
ammonia together are called TOTAL KJELDAHL
Organic Nitrogen- Nitrogen in form of proteins,
aminoacids and urea.
Ammonia – Produced in the first stage of the
decomposition of organic nitrogen.
Nitrite – Intermediate stage in the oxidation of
ammonia. Practically absent in raw sewage.
Nitrate – Final product in the oxidation of
ammonia. Practically absent in raw sewage.
• Exists in organic and inorganic forms. It is an
essential nutrient in biological wastewater
• Organic phosphorus – combined with organic
• Inorganic phosphorus – Orthophosphates and
• Indicator of the acidic or alkaline conditions
of the wastewater. A solution is neutral at
pH7. Biological oxidation processes normally
to tend to reduce the pH.
• Indicator of the buffer capacity of the medium
(resistante to variations in pH). Caused by the
presence of bicarbonate, carbonate and
hydroxil ions.
• Originating from drinking water and human
and industrial wastes.

Oils and Greases
• Fraction of organic matter which is soluble in
hexane. In domestic sewage , the sources are
oils and fats used in food.
Wastewater Treatment
What we need?
• Environmental impact
studies on the receiving
• Treatment objectives.
• Treatment level and
removal efficiencies.
• Are necessary for the evaluation of the
compliance with the receiving body standards.
The requirements to be reached for the effluent
are also a function of the specific legislation
that defines the quality standards.
• Qualities and standards are associated with the
concepts treatment level and treatment
• Is usually classified according to the following


• Its objective is only the removal of coarse
Aims to remove:
• Settleable suspended solids.
• Particulate (suspended) BOD (associated to the
organic matter component of the settleable
suspended solids.
Aims to remove:
• Particulate (suspended) BOD (associated to the
particulate organic matter present in raw
sewage, or to the non settleable particulate
organic matter, not removed in the possibly
existing primary treatment.
• Soluble BOD (organic matter in form of disolved
Aims to remove:
 Nutrients
 Pathogenic organisms
 Non-biodegradable compounds
 Metals
 Inorganic Dissolved solids
 Remaining suspended solids
As we saw, this treatment is for removal of
specifica pollutants, (usually toxic or non-
biodegradable compounds) or the
complementary removal of pollutants that
were not sufficiently removed in the secondary
treatment. This treatment is very rare in
developed countries.
Activated Sludge Process
Activated Sludge Process
• Screens
- Removes big particles.
• Grit removal
- Sand and similar heavy particles are removed.
• Primary Clarifier
- Smaller solids are removed in a settling or sedimentation tank. In this unit, the wastewater spends more time
(about one hour) to allow for a good separation
• Aeration section
- Aeration is provided either by mechanical surface agitators or by submerged diffusers of compressed air (WSP
 2008). Aeration provides oxygen to the activated sludge and at the same time thoroughly mixes the sludge and
the wastewater(UNEP & MURDOCH 2004). During aeration and mixing, the bacteria form small clusters or flocs
(TILLEY et al. 2008). Under these conditions, the bacteria in the activated sludge degrade theorganic
 substances in the wastewater. They use the organic substance for energy, growth and reproduction. The end 
products are carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and new cells.
• Final Clarifier
- The sludge is settled while the clean water is discharged to the receiving stream
• UltraViolet Desinfectation
- UV disinfects water containing bacteria and viruses and can be effective against protozoans like,  Giardia lamblia
cysts or Cryptosporidium oocysts.
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
• Anaerobic digestion is a process in which microorganisms
break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen.
It can be used to process a wide range of organic material,
from food waste and grass to waste paper and animal waste.
• The process produces biogas — primarily methane (CH 4) and
carbon dioxide (CO2) — that can be converted into electrical
and thermal energy.
• The anaerobic breakdown of organic matter is a three-stage
process. During the transformation of the organic matter,
intermediate compounds known as metabolites are formed.
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment

• primary sludge or
very concentrated
waste such as
animal manure or
wastewater from
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
• wastewater polluted by soluble organic substances, such
as those from industrial processors including breweries,
sugar refineries, and candied fruit manufacturers.
Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment
• The basic principle of the
process is very simple.
Contaminated freshwater
flows through a layer of sand,
where it not only gets
physically filtered but
biologically treated. Hereby,
both sediments and
pathogens are removed. This
process is based on the ability
of organisms to remove
The top layers of the sand become biologically active by the establishment of
a microbial community on the top layer of the sand substrate, also referred
to as ‘schmutzdecke’

• As the process of biological filtration requires a fair amount of time in

order to purify the water sufficiently, SSFs usually operate at slow
flow rates between 0.1 – 0.3 m3/h per square metre of surface. The
water thus remains in the space above the medium for several hours
and larger particles are allowed to separate and settle.
• Slow sand filtration is an extremely efficient
method for removing microbial contamination
and will usually have no indicator bacteria
present at the outlet. SSFs are also effective in
removing protozoa and viruses.
• 90 to 99% reduction in bacteria and viruses is
• Yet, slow sand filtration is generally not effective
for the majority of chemicals. However, it can be
argued that chemical standards for drinking water
are of secondary concern in water supply subject
to severe bacterial contamination 
• Rapid sand filtration is a highly effective method to remove
turbidity if it is correctly applied. Equally, solids formed during
pre-treatment, i.e. coagulation-flocculation, are filtered. A well-
operated RSF reduces turbidity to less than 1 NTU
(Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) and often less than 0.1 NTU.
Regarding the removal of most other contaminants, the RSFs are
ineffective. If combined with adequate pre-treatment measures
and final disinfection, rapid sand filtration usually produces safe
drinking water.

• Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water loses its

transparency due to the presence of suspended particulates. 
• Rapid sand filtration, in contrast to slow sand
filtration, is a purely physical treatment process. As
the water flows through several layers of coarse-
grained sand and gravel, relatively large particles are
held back safely. However, RSFs never provide safe
drinking water without adequate pre-treatment and
final disinfection.
• Usually, coagulation and
Flocculation and chlorination are applied for that
• This filtering process is determined by two basic physical
principles. First, relatively large suspended particles get
stuck between the sand grains as they pass the filter
medium (mechanical straining). Second, smaller particles
adhere to the surface of the sand grains caused by the
effect of the van der Waals forces (physical adsorption).
A chemical filter-aid (i.e. coagulant or flocculant) might
be added to promote additional adhesion.

• the operation of these filters is very similar to that of cartridges,

except for the inclusion of diatoms that are fossilized elements
that act as the main agents that are responsible for water

• On the contrary that the sand or the cartridges, it treats of the

elements with more filtering power of the market, obtaining a
very good result so that the water of the pool has the best
possible quality.

• And is that the diatoms absorb all the dirt in the water, even
those particles that are too small for the human eye to see. Its
filtering capacity is so high that it reaches 10 microns.
• Diatomite is a siliceous, sedimentary rock of
Biogenic origin, mainly constituted by fossilized
remains (skeletons) of the diatoms frustules,
presenting different degrees of consolidation.
• It is formed by the sedimentary accumulation of
the microscopic skeletons of unicellular algae. It
is composed of fossilized opaline skeletons of the
diatom; The skeletons are composed of
amorphous silica.
• The diatomite is formed by the sedimentary accumulation to
form large deposits with a sufficient thickness to have a
commercial potential.
• Pure diatomite is formed by opaline or hydric silica, may
contain small amounts of inorganic components such as
alumina, iron, earth and alkali metals, as well as other minor
constituents. The diatomite also contains unusual amounts of
free water, which can vary from about 10% to 60%. The main
deposits in the world, have been characterized as dry type
deposits, where the diatomite is presented as light weight
material. The apparent density (dry basis) in situ varies from
0.32 to 0.64 ton / m3.
Microbiological Treatment of
gas sources
• Technologies such as
incineration, chemical
oxidation, absorption and
adsorption have been used
industrially for treatment of
gaseous effluents from point
emissions from stationary
sources. These conventional
technologies suffer from
significant drawbacks such as
high cost and limited operating
Where to apply?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated by the
chemical, petrochemical and food industry, or reduced
organosulfur compounds in papermaking, synthetic
sponges and textiles such as rayon. Important also are
the treatment of gaseous effluents generated in the
industry related to waste treatment, such as facilities
composting, bioremediation, wastewater collection,
wastewater treatment plants wastewater (urban and
industrial) or landfills.
Where to apply?
• Facilities that are characterized by complex
mixtures of generating odors, generally due
to compounds derived from bacterial activity
under anaerobic conditions and aeration
processes usual in most waste treatment
systems. By contrast, emissions of particulates
and other combustion gases to be treated by
systems physicochemical treatment as
biological treatments are not effective.
• The process itself consists of oxidation by incineration of
pollutant emissions in furnaces operating at
temperatures above 700º C, in the case of regenerative
thermal oxidation, or close to 400° C using catalyzers.
• Advantages
• Ease of use, due to the total automation of the process
• Cleanliness and comfort of treatment as it does not
generate any waste
• Operating economy
• Types of oxidizers
• Recuperative Thermal Oxidation
• Regenerative Thermal Oxidation
• Catalytic Thermal Oxidation
• Applications
• Printing of paper/tissue
• Graphic arts in general
• Manufacturing of varnish/paint
• Application of special coatings
• Surface Treatment
• Specific treatment of electronic compounds
Chemical oxidation
• Chemical oxidation can help reduce risks and
reduce VOCs mobility
• Reduces volatile organic compounds and semi-
volatile organic compounds in soil, groundwater,
and NAPL non aqueous phase liquid (coal tar or
heavy oil)
• Reduces the volume and thickness of NAPL
• Reduces the mobility of the remaining NAPL by
increasing the NAPL viscosity
• In most of the occassion pollutants contained in
gases to be treated are susceptible to be oxidized
or absorbed in alkaline or acidic medium.
• So nitrogen derivates (NH3 ,ammoniac , amino
group R-NH, etc) are susceptible to be absorbed in
acidic medium while sulfur derivatives (H2S
hydrogen sulfide, thiol group R-SH, disulfides R-S-
S-R, etc) are likely to be absorbed in alkaline
medium or susceptible to oxidation. The organic
carbon derivatives (aldehyde group R-COH, R-CO-R
and VOC in general) in some case can be
decompose into CO2 and H2O when subjected to
energetic oxidation.
• Without limiting flow to treat
• High efficiency
• Most common reagents used
• Totally automated process, so
keeping human interventions to
a minimum
• It is a very used technology in the treatment of
mid-high flows:
• Waste water treatment plants: Pumping
stations, thickeners, pre-treatment and
• Composting MBT plants
• Food industry: Odours coming from sludgeries,
treatments of animal fats, fish processing
• Chemical and pharmaceutical industry: Gases
from reactors vents
• Incineration gases/inerting
• The use of high performance medias adsorbs a broad spectrum of
pollutants, due to the combination of different absorbing materials.
Carbon and impregnated zeolites Equipments and Equipments consisting
of impregnated aluminas and thermally activated adsorber. This
combination facilitates the dual action of adsorption andinitial
oxidation and final alkaline neutralization obtaining a great high efficiency.

They have the advantage of having a higher capacity for adsorption of

pollutants than traditional activated carbon, and a larger spectrum of
contaminants that can be removed. Also can work with gases with
highmoisture contents.

• Applicable on saturated gases up to to 95% humidity at
• High efficiency in gases with presence of VOC's, H2S, NH3, R-
• Easy to assemble
• Low maintenance costs (regeneration, renewal and energy
• Reduced space lay-out
• Applications

It is a technology used in the treatment of lower-medium flows, such

• Industrial applications with high variety and pollutant concentration
• Wastewater treatment plants: Pumping
station, thickeners,pretreatment and dehydration
• Food industry: In particular the treatment of gaseous emissions
from roasting processes, processing and cooking fats
• Chemical Industry: Elimination of volatile
organic compounds(VOC's), gases from reactor vents and heavy metal

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