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What is chain Marketing and

how to build a team?

BY: Anam malik
What is chain Marketing?

Chain marketing is a process in which a marketer not only

promotes a product but also creates a team of people under
him who market the same way and the benefits are shared to
the network chain

1. Maintain a short invitation to prospects

Most of the people talk too much during their first meet. That is
the biggest mistakes which they do during their inviting phase or
Don't talk too much, please keep something with you to share it
during your next meeting.
Sometimes your prospect may be very eager to know what will
be the next step to proceed. Don't give away all the points right
before the event or meeting.
Don't forget that you have wonderful opportunities which are
not easy to explain in detail.

2. Don't focus always on your outcome
When you begin your business, you will be more excited about
your business. So you always focus the answer as "Yes" from your
If you concentrate more on this outcome, sometimes you may get
desperate. Instead of that, interact with more people and try not to
focus on your outcome.
Your main responsibility is to invite and just think that it depends
upon an individual's interest to show up. If they do, make them
learn more.
When you meet up with those people who are not interested, try to
understand that each and every person may not like your offer, so
keep moving and keep prospecting.
Don't be emotional for any negative answer, so keep on moving 4

further by interacting with more people.

3. Make use of Facebook Messenger for inviting prospects

• Most of the marketers will not keep the relationship through calls. When they get any leads they don't call their
leads, instead, they message them.
• The reason behind this is the marketers sometimes don't know what to talk when they were questioned by the leads.
• So we can consider that phone communication will not be effective in all the cases.
• At the same time, the easy way to communicate and connect with people is through messages.
• Here comes the Facebook Messenger, it is simple to send messages through Facebook. You can send messages to the
users of Facebook.
• Maintain a short and understanding message, so that people will try to read your messages.
• Try to collect those user lists in your contact list, so that you can have contact with them later.
• Try to send some requesting messages. For example, "If I send you an audio clip, would you hear it?". They may
give you a positive answer. Now you can send the file so that it will help them to educate more about your MLM
• Always remember that it should not be bugging them or convincing them to know or join your business
• You can maintain a good rapport with Facebook users by sending them more simple and short messages.
4. Cooperate with upliner

• You have to follow your trainers for years to understand very well about the business. Learning or
getting trained from upliner or trainers is the best way to carry on with your business.
• It will make your learning easy by directly getting trained from them. You can learn Attraction
Marketing, the ways to invite the prospects for your business. A trainer can assist you more on how to
proceed with prospecting.
• Nowadays it is easy to find any good trainers online. Actually, you should be so thankful for internet
• In online you will be able to view a huge number of webinars and training materials or resources to
build a strong team for your business.
• From online resource, you can learn many techniques to attract prospects via online and you can invite
them to join your meetings.
• As a result, you will be able to build a strong team with more leads and prospects. Trying to understand
how to present yourself through conversation, blogging, posting videos will help you to invite more
Sum up:
Mastering on how to invite prospects in your business is a skill and this skill is necessary to enhance
your business.
As I already discussed you should not always focus on your outcome. So it is always necessary that
you should not take anything personally, it is all the part of your business.
The online materials and training will help you to develop your skills.

Anam malik

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