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Arinah Fahimah binti Mohamed
3 Ibn Battutah
◦Assalamualaikum wbt.
◦My name is Arinah Fahimah from 3 Ibn Battutah.
◦ Today I would like to present about My Mini Nouns
◦ For the past 2 weeks, I have learned about Family of
◦ First, there are 2 types of nouns:
◦ Singular noun
◦ Plural noun
◦ Singular Noun is for one only
◦ Plural Noun means the noun has more than one. So,
we must add ‘S’, ‘ES’, ‘IES’ or ‘VES’.
◦ I also have learned about Common Noun and Proper
◦A Common Noun is used to name general items,
people or places.
◦ A Proper Noun is when we give name to a Common
Noun and begins with capital letter.
◦ For example: I have a sister. Her name is ‘Aisyah.
◦ So sister is a Common Noun while ‘Aisyah is a Proper
◦ Then I also need to know whether a sister is a
Countable or Uncountable Noun.
◦ So, a person is a Countable Noun.
◦ Finally, I am happy to know about all family of nouns.
◦ They are Singular Noun, Plural Noun, Common Noun,
Proper Noun, Countable and Uncountable Noun.

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