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Read and answer the following questions.

Put a check ( ) on the following words having the

same ending sounds and mark ( ) if not.
____1. rug-mug
____2. wig -hair
____3. cat -bat
____4. bone-cone
____5. web-bed
Read the following;
pet cat plays
ball takes care

has a pet
is a cat
with the ball
takes good care
of his cat.
Read the story below and answer the questions after.

Andres and His Pet

Andres has a pet. His pet is a cat. It
plays with the ball every day. Andres
takes good care of his cat.
1. Who has a pet?
A. Ana
B. Andrea
C. Andrei
D. Andres
2. What is Andres pet?
A. cat
B. dog
C. pig
D. cow
3. What do the cat do everyday?
A. plays with the dog
B. plays with the cow
C. plays with the rat
D. plays with the ball
4. Which group of words uses a
punctuation mark at the end?
A. has a pet
B. His pet is a fat cat.
C. plays with the ball
D. takes good care
5. Which group of words does not begin
with a capital letter?
A. Jose has a pet cat.
B. His pet is a fat cat.
C. It plays with the ball every day.
D. of his cat
Words are single distinct meaningful
element of speech and writing.
pet cat plays
ball takes care
Phrases are group of words standing together
as a conceptual unit.
has a pet
is a cat
with the ball
takes good care
of his cat
Write circle if it is a word and triangle
if it a phrase.
___1. A clean room
___2. School
___3. under the table
___4. at the back
___5. paper
Group Activity:” Pick a twist”
Materials: box, list of word

1. Each group will be given a box. Inside the box are list of
2. Read each words and form a phrase out of it.
3. The first group to finish the task will make a yell as a
signal that they are already done.
4. Present your in a different way (sing, peom, skit,dance)
List of phrases:

Group I- jog at the park

Group II- plays with the ball
Group III-cleans the room
Group IV- sleeps at the room

wordsdo not
Phrases are group of ______that
express complete thought.
Arrange the words to form a phrase.
1. room the cleans- ______________
2. bed fix the - ______________
3. a bath take -______________
4. hair my comb-______________
5. teeth brush my-______________
Read and answer the following questions.
Read and arrange the following words to
form a phrase.

1. the plants water-______________

water the plants
2. yard cleans the- ______________
cleans the yard
3. seed the plant-_______________
plant the seed
Study the picture below.
What can you say about the picture? What do
the family do?
(the teacher will write the sentence on the
Do you also pray together with your family?
Why do we need to pray?

The family prays together.

Say: This is an example of a sentence.
Sentence is a group of words that expresses
a complete thought or idea. It is composed
of a subject and a predicate. It begins with a
capital letter and ends with a period (. ), a
question mark ( ? ), or an exclamation point
( ! ).
Study the example:

1. Ella is the subject and plays the piano is a predicate.

Ask: What punctuation is used in the sentence?
Study the example:

2. The sun is the subject and rises in the east is a

Ask: What punctuation is used in the sentence?
Study the example:

3. The garden is the subject and is beautiful is a

Ask: What punctuation is used in the sentence?
Subject-someone or something the is
being discussed.
Predicate-contains an action stating
something about the subject.
Write S if the following refers to Subject
and P if Predicate.
____1. Jen
____2. wash the dishes
____3. cleans the room
S The dog and the cat.
S The house
Game: “Pick ‘n paste”
Materials: list of words and phrases.
1. Pick and read a list of words or phrases.
2. Identify if it is a subject or predicate.
3. Paste it on the table at the board.
List of words.
(Subject and Predicate)

Ben fix his bed.

The farmer plant trees.
Mother cooks food.
Ana and Jane play at the park.

Sentence is composed of
subject _________.
Identify the parts of the sentence. Write S if it
subject and P if it is a predicate.
____1. The pupils
____2. study at the room.
____3. Mang Ben
____4. The dog
____5. fixes the fence.
Match the pictures in Column A with the non-sentences in Column B.
Match the pictures in Column A with the non-sentences in Column B.
Read the following sentences.
Subject Predicate
1. Andres waters the plant.
Subject Predicate
2. Mang Ben plows the field.
a. What are the subject in the sentence?
b. What are the predicate?
Read and study the picture below.

Ask: What can you say about the picture?

Read and study the picture below.

Ask: What can you say about the picture?

 Examples A and D are sentences. They
show complete idea. Each has its own
subject and predicate.
 Examples B and C are non-sentences.
They do not show complete meaning.
sentence non-sentence

non-sentence sentence
Study the examples:
1. I can sing. –sentence(It expresses complete
idea, it has subject and predicate)
2. pen and notebook -non-sentence
(does not have a complete thought.)
3. What is your name?-sentence
4. The man goes to the park.-sentence
5. for my pet- non-sentence
Write S if the statement is a sentence and NS
if it is a non-sentence.
s The dog barks.
NS run around the house
s When did you get here?
s The man goes to the park.
NS father and mother
Read the questions and write the letter of the correct answer .

1. Which is a sentence?
A. The boy can run fast.
B. on the ground
C. one day
D. see the plants
Read the questions and write the letter of the
correct answer .

1. Which is a sentence?
A. The boy can run fast.
B. on the ground
C. one day
D. see the plants
Read the questions and write the letter of the correct
answer .
2. Which does not have a punctuation mark?
A. There are many fishes in the sea.
B. What do you want to do?
C. We will go to school.
D. near the bed
Complete the sentences.

sentence a group of
A _________is
words that has a complete
thought or idea.
Draw a happy face if the statement is a
sentence and a sad face if it is a non-sentence.
_____1. My sister has a doll.
_____2. Who is your teacher?
_____3. What kind of fruit do you eat?
_____4. wearing big pants
_____5. and sleep well
Match the pictures in Column A with the sentences in Column B.
Read the following.
1. Aura sleeps well.
2. drinks water
3. Linda fixes her bed.
4. Anthony takes a bath.
5. washes our clothes.
Study the picture below.
What can you say about the picture? Can
you answer on a complete idea?
( The teacher will students answer on the
Let the pupils read their answer on the
board and let them recognize if their
answers are sentence or non-sentence.
Study the examples
1. Aura sleeps well.-____________
2. drinks water-_______________
3. Linda fixes her bed.-____________
4. Anthony takes a bath.-_________
5. washes our clothes.-____________
Study the examples
1. Aura sleeps well.-____________
2. drinks water-_______________
3. Linda fixes her bed.-____________
4. Anthony takes a bath.-_________
5. washes our clothes.-____________
Read the questions and write the letter of the
correct answer .

1. Which is a non-sentence?
A. He loves to read books.
B. with her family
C. I have a good friend.
D. Are you doing well?
2. Which does not begin with a capital
A. live on a farm
B. What is the time now?
C. The doctor heals the sick.
D. Can you ride a bike?
What is the difference between sentence
and non-sentence?
Write S if the given item is a sentence and NS
if it is a non-sentence. ________1. The
children are playing.
________2. Ramon sings a song.
________3. I can dance.
________4. playing the piano
________5. selling some apples

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